Thursday, August 4, 2022

Are All The Jesuits Nuts?

 No.  Not all.  Take for instance the Saints known as the North American Martyrs who evangelized the Native (North) American Indians of Canada and what was to become New York State...

See this from

 Who are the North American Martyrs? | Simply Catholic.

Now, compare these lovers of Christ, these brave souls who endured everything to bring Christ to the pagan Indians, to those who still have the august handle of "Jesuit" but, in reality, are only an empty shell of their order that went before them.   

We hear a lot about "ecumenism," but it is a false ecumenism, unlike the spirit of true ecumenism that the zealous Saints who Baptized and died to bring into the Faith those outside the Church.   

But why would such courageous priests and religious lay down their lives for the sake of the pagans?   "Simple," for the salvation of their immortal souls!  

And this from

A San Francisco Priest Who Defied Tyrants | CNSNews.

We don't have that today, just the opposite!

See this from

(7101) Jesuits Want Satanic New Pachamama Mass - YouTube.

And this, my previous article... 

Bergoglio, The Bishop Of Rome, Takes Part in Pagan Ceremony Invoking Demonic Spirits In Canada...

I could go on and on... 

The idea is to call out evil when we see and hear it, regardless of the "authority" that spews the filth, lies, heresies and apostacies and cling to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed -- with the true Magisterium of the authentic Catholic Church, not the novus ordo thing that the world sees as the "catholic church"...

We if don't follow our Lord to the end and finish the race -- if we compromise and appease His enemies, then we are not worthy of Him!  We will not be Saints! 

Stand fast to the TRADITIONS that you have learned, either by our word or our epistle (St. Paul).

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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