Saturday, July 30, 2022

Bergoglio, The Bishop Of Rome, Takes Part in Pagan Ceremony Invoking Demonic Spirits In Canada...

  You can't make this stuff up!

For at least the second time in his "pontificate," Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome, has taken part in a monstrous, demonic, pagan ceremony invoking ancient, devilish spirits, this time in Canada.  

And if that weren't bad enough, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, again, is apologizing for the incredible sacrifices of Christ-centered missionaries, priests and nuns who brought the Catholic Faith to the indigenous folk to our neighbors to the north.  

He has also bought into the fake news -- the lie -- of "abused and killed children" found in "mass graves" "discovered" near schools run mostly by Catholic nuns and priests... I repeat, that lie has been debunked long ago, yet instead of promoting the great works of evangelizing the pagans and bringing them to Christ, our Lord, he attacks those who can no longer defend themselves and have gone to their great reward in Heaven...

Please watch this video presented by Dr. Taylor Marshall... I know it is difficult to watch, but the truth shall set you and I free from these apostates...  Also, notice all of the Humpty-Dumpty clones sitting in the first row -- all supposed cardinals in the novus ordo "church" -- apparently not a one had the guts to get up and leave the room as the evil spirits were being conjured up and filled the room with other dumbed-down "Catholics" who haven't got a clue about their precious religion... 

(7009) Pope Francis invoking ‘sacred circle of spirits’ and Western Grandmother - YouTube.

Bergoglio, instead of being the protector and custodian of the Deposit of Faith, he turns the Magisterium upside down and continues to scandalize the Catholic and non-Catholic world alike with his diabolical antics...

At the same time, he participates in un-Catholic, pagan ceremonies and allows blasphemous and sacrilegious novus ordo "masses," he attacks, restricts and bans the Mass of the ages: the Traditional Latin Mass that helped to create thousands of Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years! 


Please pray for the defeat of these apostates, but also pray for their conversion back to orthodoxy, Tradition and the Catholic Faith...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

Pray too for strength and honor!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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