Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Lunacy Of The Hard Left...

  These folks really do live in a parallel universe!

Take for instance, the leftist mayor of New York City, (a former police officer!), Eric Adams.

As the invasion of our country continues unrestrained with illegal aliens flowing across our southern border -- like a tsunami -- Adams, whose city is losing residents at an "alarming" rate, said this to his constituents: Get ‘On Board’ with Illegal Immigration ‘Influx’ in Schools, Hospitals, Neighborhoods...

Here is an article from infowars.com that will confirm -- from the mayor's own big mouth -- his utter disregard for the nearly eight million, overtaxed residents of New York: New York Democrat Eric Adams: Get ‘On Board’ with Illegal Immigration ‘Influx’ in Schools, Hospitals, Neighborhoods (infowars.com)

I ask: where is the rule of law?  Why doesn't Adams complain about the lack of enforcement of existing immigration laws?  Instead, he'll do anything not to criticize the Biden "administration," and support the invasion of illegals into our once-sovereign nation...

So, instead of fighting like hell to protect his citizens from further increase in taxes and additional drains on stressed resources, he said this: "We’re here, we’re receiving them and everyone is going to have to be on board. And we can’t have the historical “I believe people should be housed but just don’t house them on my block.” Everyone’s block is going to be impacted by this. And so we have to add our advocacy with our ability to help our neighbors. We need everyone on board with this. [Emphasis added]

As I said last week, our schools are going to be impacted, our healthcare system is going to be impacted, our infrastructure is going to be impacted… we’re going to need all New Yorkers to be with us on this." [Emphasis added]

Frankly, this lunatic doesn't have one iota of God-given common sense left in his warped brain.  He can no longer recognize what true charity is; he can no longer recognize true justice!  But I'm not surprised because this ultra-liberal character is all for the slaughter of the pre-born, just like the governor of New York, Hochul, a radical pro-death looney, apostate "Catholic"... Like two peas in a deadly pod!

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these anti-Christs...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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