Sunday, July 24, 2022

"Vaccines," A Cure For -- SIN????

  Conversion?  Amend one's life?  Confess?  Return to, or come to Christ?  Embrace a life of grace?  

Homosexual: Just stick another needle in my arm and that'll take care of my sin.  Oh, I mean my disease!  Did I just say disease?  Oh, I didn't mean disease... I mean.. I really don't know what I mean...

You see, I have this mad, uncontrollable lust -- I mean desire -- to "know" another man-friend of mine...  I just can't help it... 

Look, I know I have something going on and, in my body, but just give me that damn vaccine so I can meet my boyfriend tonight so we can have some fun...

If my bodybuilder lover-boy "gets something" from me, I'll just tell him to get the vaccine too.  It's no big deal... 

And don't you dare judge me, you heterosexual, straight dude, married to a real woman with your four kids!  And don't you dare preach to me about your God or Jesus or that I might end up in hell if I don't change my ways!  

It's my body and my choice to live the way I want to live!  So, bug off!  And if you try to admonish me, I'll press charges of harassment against you!  Go to hell!  

Me: Why are you so angry?  Look, I'm just trying to fulfill the two great Commandments to love God and neighbor, that's all...

And by the way, those are Commandments, not suggestions! 

I mean, look, what you are doing goes against all that is natural in nature; against all how God designed us men and women to be complimentary to each other; to marry and bring children into the world; to raise our children to be good and charitable citizens...  

The only reason I'm telling you this, is because I love you -- and don't get the idea of twisting what I just said!  When I say, "I love you," it means that I have charity for you; that I want to see you gain Heaven, not hell... And I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm preaching to you, ok, maybe I am, but I want you to have a chance of being saved, not damned.  But it's up to you... I cannot choose for you.  You have free will to decide one way or the other... Even God doesn't interfere with the free will He built into us as His creations.  So, in other words, we can willfully accept Him or reject Him!

Your "lifestyle" choice is destructive and potentially deadly -- to you and your partner(s)... This monkeypox is some bad stuff, but it is also a fact that it has its origins in the homosexual "community" and transmitted by close, intimate contact between males...

I would urge you to read this article from  It may shed some light on what you are facing.  And by the way, that "vaccine" is experimental -- and so are those who receive it! -- that's admitted in the article...

WHO Admits Everyone Who Receives a MonkeyPox Vaccine is Part of a "Clinical Trial" to Collect Data on its Effectiveness (VIDEO) (

Finally, you might be offended by the article I recently penned, but it just may wake you up and help you to "smell the roses."  If that sounds a little harsh, so be it.  Maybe that's what you need: someone to tell it like it is before it's too late!  

And, yes, I am admonishing you...

The Newest Filthy, Un-natural Scourge -- Monkeypox -- Originated And Is Spreading Among The Homosexual Male Population. Surprised? I'm Not...

I urge you to pray -- for strength -- and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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