Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Demonrats Block Republican Resolution Condemning Violence At Churches And Pregnancy Centers!


Why would the Democratic Party block a resolution condemning violence at churches and pregnancy centers?

The obvious answer is that the Demonrat Party are lunatics, devoid of the tenets of the Natural Law; their tiny minds are filled with hate and prejudice against anything good -- the opposite of charity, specifically, God's command to love they neighbor, that's why.

And why would anyone be surprised?  These are the same anti-Christs that are finding other ways to circumvent the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, sending back to the state legislatures, the "issue" of if and when someone can kill a pre-born human.

Let us remember the Natural Law and Declaration of Independence here, guaranteeing the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

No one can have liberty or pursue happiness if they are slaughtered in -- or out -- of the womb!

And why is it that the most brutal attacks on the pre-born come, not from atheists or devil worshipers -- although some demonic cults love to use aborted babies in their satanic rituals -- but by apostate "Catholics," the worst of all the enemies of charity, life -- and Christ!

Witness the insane rejection of a resolution that common sense tells us would and should be enacted, to help quell the recent and ongoing attacks on churches and pregnancy centers across the country after Roe, by the violent extremists known as "Jane's Revenge" and other hard-core Leftist, pro-death groups.

See the article here from House Dems Block Resolution Condemning Violence at Churches (

And who is one that led the rejection of the resolution?  Why, none other than that self-described "devout Catholic," N. Pelosi... 

I'm not surprised, are you?

After all, it is she and her "boss," Biden, that are calling for ways to make sure that the killing of the pre-born will continue unabated in the most bizarre of ways, including, but not limited to, an abortion mill floating around in the Gulf of Mexico!  

I'm not making that up!  

Or, for instance, setting up abortion tents on federal lands, specifically, in national parks! 

It is apparent to me, that when someone sells their immortal soul to Satan, the intellect is so corrupted that it prevents that person from making rational decisions based on God-given common sense.  In other words, the use of the free will chooses evil over good; darkness over light... The adage of "let your conscience be your guide," is corrupted and separated from the (Natural) law engraved on every human that comes into the world (St. Paul).  

This is known as the operation of error that God allows to enter into those who reject Him and His Commandments...

It's really rather simple, isn't it...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the conversion of the apostate Catholics that they confess and return to a state of grace before they leave this earth...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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