Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Newest Filthy, Un-natural Scourge -- Monkeypox -- Originated And Is Spreading Among The Homosexual Male Population. Surprised? I'm Not...

  When will they ever learn???

Have you ever heard of deathbed conversions?  

They do happen... 

In reality, though, those who live "by the sword, die by the sword." 

That just doesn't refer to those who live by violence, it also refers to killing the life of grace in the soul.  

Remember, our Lord tells us in the Bible not to fear him who can kill the body, but rather fear him who can kill the body and the soul and cast them into hell... 

So, those who live a horrendously sinful life, will most likely die in their sins.  This "concept" is not new; and it makes common sense to come to that conclusion...


Over the last couple of years, we have lived through a man-made, planned "pandemic" hell usually referred to as "covid"... In fact, it has become part of the lexicon of most Americans, and most of the world's population.  Even (uninformed) "conservative" "Catholic" talking heads have swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker! 

Most got the jab; most wore, and some continue to wear, the ineffective face diaper... (I admit, I have to wear a face diaper when I use the VA medical system for my treatments and monitoring for any potential return of the spindle cell sarcoma cancer attributed to Agent Orange from my tour of duty in Vietnam -- it'll be 55 years ago this coming December.) 

The face diaper does nothing but maintain an aura of fear -- and control: the main reason for the "mandates"...

How many realize that even the "N-95" face diaper can only filter down to three microns, while the so-called "virus" is less than one micron in size and does nothing to prevent the "germ" from spreading.

That is, if you think that it is a "virus" or a "germ" in the first place.

If one were to honestly do the research, you will see that the overwhelming majority of those who get "covid," get it -- or something -- because of their environment, both external, and, more importantly, their internal environment. 

In other words, the terrain in which they live and breathe -- and the food they eat -- can be the cause of someone getting the common cold, not to mention more serious ailments.   And part of that environment -- terrain -- are the electrical frequencies that we are surrounded and bombarded with on a daily basis, 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Need proof?  Do you have "Wi-Fi" at home?  Have a remote control for your TV?  Drive a newer car?  Then you -- and I -- are subject to the constant effects of electrical frequency pollution in addition to those power lines you see strung along the street... The list goes on and on and on...

But I digress...

The title of my article says it all: The Newest Filthy, Un-natural Scourge -- Monkeypox -- Originated And Is Spreading Among The Homosexual Male Population.  Surprised?  I'm Not.

New information has surfaced that the monkeypox phenomenon is primarily caused and spread by the filthy, un-natural activities of the homosexuals unable -- or unwilling? -- to control their lust for the same sex.  A complete upheaval of the way God designed the sexes to be complimentary as man and woman to multiply, fill the earth and subdue it...

Interestingly, or sadly, those who know they have something wrong with them, disease wise, either don't tell their "partners," or don't care what they spread just so long as they can fulfill their disgusting desires... If anything, they are uncharitable toward their "partner" and care little for their well-being.  Of course, what I just wrote is the understatement of the century!

So, the statistics show nearly 98 percent of those who have or spread monkeypox are homosexual males!  Ninety-eight percent!

Now think about this... Aside from the fact that this is another heinous example of the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the so-called monkeypox is making its appearance as the November mid-term elections are quickly approaching.  

Coincidence?  I think not... 

Let us put two and two together and see if we come up with four...

The apostate "Catholic," Biden, and his Marxist crew of baby-killers, are sinking faster than the Titanic... They know that they will lose the House and Senate, so the only way they can maintain control is through voter fraud and that is the main reason for a new "pandemic" to keep voters stuck in their homes and vote by mail or even online!  

In addition, the evil powers such as the WHO, WEF, the UN, et al, know that folks around the world are waking up to their wicked schemes and are beginning to fight back as is evidenced by the huge demonstrations erupting around the globe.  

They know they are losing their iron-fisted control and they don't like it one bit!  So, what better way to keep the fear mongering going than by creating another scare, another "pandemic" to get even more people injected with a filthy, debilitating and deadly "vaccine"?  This way they can kill two birds with one stone: fraudulent elections to keep the status quo and population reduction -- to less than one billion people!  Using simple math, that would mean that nearly seven billion people would have to be eliminated from planet earth, read: murdered... 

Further, we are getting very little help from the religious leaders of the various world religions... In fact, most of those "leaders" are all for a new-world-order, one-world-order "religion" that would replace our good God with some bastardized, man-made religion with Satan as its head and master... 

We get what we deserve, don't we?

Pray for the defeat of these evil scoundrels and for their conversion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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