Sunday, July 31, 2022

If There Was Ever Any Doubt Why Sodom And Gomorrah Were Destroyed...

 Warning: the following article contains photographs that might be offensive to any right-thinking follower of our Lord! 

Articles such as this should clear up any doubt... From San Francisco Kink & Fetish Festival to Press On Despite Monkeypox Emergency Declaration (

Right smack in the backyard of the apostate "Catholic," N. Pelosi -- you know, that self-described "devout Catholic"... 

Now why would I mention the apostate Pelosi, and why does that have anything to do with the filthy, pornographic display of homosexuality in San Francisco?  (Saint Francis must be spinning in his grave having a doomed city named after him!)

The answer is "simple": Pelosi's open and aggressive support for the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance is "legendary"...

So much scandal for the youth of San Francisco too, with "parents" taking their offspring to witness the utter wickedness of these monkeypox-spreaders, prancing around half, or fully naked and gyrating like serpents in the grass...

Think about it: the head of the WHO, the pro-communist, Tedros, "suggested" that because of the outbreak of the so-called monkeypox among those who engage in sodomy, perhaps they should consider refraining from multiple sex partners for the moment (that's a paraphrase of what he actually said!). 

But this miscreant was adamant that entire populations should be locked down, a la "Dr." Fauci, because of a bioweapon they named "covid"...   

See just a little bit of political correctness hypocrisy here???

Can't condemn active homosexuality, that would be "intolerant" and "racist," whatever that means these days, plus, that would be suppressing the "rights" of these possessed lunatics...

So, If There Was Ever Any Doubt Why Sodom And Gomorrah Were Destroyed, it has been completely cleared up!

Pray for the defeat of these demons, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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