Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Mental, Spiritual And Physical Sickness Knows No Bounds When It Comes To Apostate "Catholics"...

  See here: 47 Republicans Vote to Enshrine Homosexual Marriage in Federal Law | CNSNews.

And wouldn't you know?  This is from the "devout Catholic" N. Pelosi...

“I rise today in strong support for the Respect for Marriage Act, bipartisan and bicameral legislation to enshrine into law a fundamental freedom, the right to marry whomever you choose,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a House floor speech.

“As radical justices and rightwing politicians continue their assault on our basic rights, Democrats believe that the government has no place between you and the person you love,” she said.

End of the disgusting excerpts... 

My question: why stop at "whomever you choose"?  Why not whatever you choose

Catholic faith?  What Catholic faith?  It's a mystery to me how this apostate continues to get away with her demented, scandalous actions!

Oh, how silly of me... She gets away with it because the novus ordo hierarchy allow her to get away with it.  Sure, Archbishop Cordileone has forbidden her from receiving the Holy Eucharist, and how has that worked out?? 

If the hierarchy doesn't stand together, then the errant, public mortal sinner gets away with murder -- literally!  

How can there be "solidarity" among the hierarchy to teach and enforce Catholic doctrine on human sexuality and life, when the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter is the main catalyst for the scandal in the first place??

Remember, it was Bergoglio that called for the recognition of "civil unions" among the homosexuals -- you know, the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance; the sins that condemned Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes!   

Remember, it was Bergoglio that has a forked tongue as is evidenced by his condemning abortion as murder -- like a hitman taking out a human life, but then turns around and encourages Pelosi and Biden to keep receiving Holy Communion, knowing -- without a doubt! -- that both support and push for the continuing slaughter of the pre-born!  This, in addition to appointing the likes of the pro-abortion, population control freak, Jeffrey Sachs, to Vatican advisory boards???

Bergoglio never talks about admonishing the sinner; never talks about conversion, never!  In other words, the obvious conclusion is that he lacks real Christian charity, because if he really did care for his flock, then he would admonish the sinner!

Remember, it is Bergoglio that attacks faithful Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages and is attempting to stomp it out completely.  (You know, those faithful Catholics who do follow the real Magisterium and Church teaching on human sexuality and life!)   


The deceit and scandal of the current anti-Christ papacy is mindboggling, causing the spiritual death of so many Catholics, with hundreds of thousands -- if not millions? -- leaving the Church for greener pastures, only to find out that the "greener pastures" are spiritually withered and burnt.

Pray for the defeat of these miscreants -- and for their conversion!  We can do no less...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what is surely coming down the road, both in the secular and ecclesiastical realms...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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