Wednesday, July 6, 2022

More Proof Of The CIA's Disgusting Experimentation On Children And MK-ULTRA Drug/Mind Control...

 Have you noticed that many of the shooters wreaking death and mayhem on innocent folk are "youngsters"?

The recent attack on American patriots celebrating the Fourth, ended the lives of at least seven, and wounded over two dozen in Highland Park, Ill...

The bizarre creep that perpetrated that massacre was caught by police, thank goodness... If you look at this miscreant, you'll see that he is not normal, at least according to traditional standards of what young men should look and act like, not to mention the scary and demonic videos he made of himself just before he went on a killing spree.

See my article here:   

Demonic Possession, Plus (MK-ULTRA) Possession = July 4th Mass Shooting In Highland Park, Illinois...

If we go back to 1999, and the Columbine high school massacre, you'll see that those two punk shooters were also of the bizarre type, including their attire, not to mention that they -- and most of these nuts -- are, or were, on some type of psychotropic drug(s).

And now, evidence has surfaced from Denmark that children had been exposed to drugs to control minds and actions, similar -- and with a connection -- to the CIA's experimentation with drugs on our veterans and others back in the 1950s and onward...

See this article from investigative journalist, Kit Klarenberg:  Cold War CIA Experiments On Children Exposed (

Here are two excerpts from his article...

"It seems certain these tests, conducted without their purpose ever being disclosed to participants in a gross breach of medical ethics, related to the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA. The established narrative of the program is that it concerned mind control, and was ultimately an expensive failure. In reality, most confirmed MKULTRA efforts actually concerned physical and psychological torture, and techniques derived from this research continue to be employed today. Some were applied to Guantanamo Bay inmates, for example."

"The Danish experiments were likely conducted for this purpose. The CIA’s torture manual discusses how, when its assorted techniques are applied, “the usual effect…is regression,” and a subject’s “mature defenses crumbles [sic] as he becomes more childlike [emphasis added].”
End of excerpts...

Are drugs involved in these monstrous shootings of the innocents?  I think so.  

Not only that, but if you notice most (not all) of these shootings have taken place in the so-called "blue states" run by ultra-liberal governors and mayors.  Their lackeys in the legislatures pass unconstitutional gun control laws, including "red flag" laws, that fail miserably to stop the violence of the outlaw-criminal. 

In point of fact, the only citizens that are truly affected by these anti-Second Amendment laws are the law-abiding, hindering them from protecting themselves, their families and their communities from such atrocities... 

Wherever there are "gun free zones," that's where the bad guys do their dirty thing; it's an open invitation to the shooter knowing that no one is carrying concealed!  On the other hand, it has been proven time and time again that those who do carry concealed have stopped many more potential mass shootings than actually occur!  But you'll rarely if ever see or hear about such crime stoppers from the mainstream, Marxist media!  

Can you make a connection between the CIA and Big Pharma and the multiple millions of dollars generated for the purpose of producing drugs that at least influence, and at worst, control the mind using diabolical methods to steal away a person's humanity and the ability to think clearly?  

Perhaps more information will eventually surface to confirm or deny these data...

Pray for an end to these experiments -- and the rogue agency, the CIA...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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