Monday, July 25, 2022

The "Covid" "Vaccine" De-Population Plot In Cahoots With The FDA -- The Truth Is Revealed!

  Every patriot in the U.S. should read -- no, make that must read! -- this ultra-revealing article.  If it is not read, then history will keep repeating itself until the ends of the elites will be fulfilled...

The Covid Vaccine Plot - LewRockwell

The goal of de-population lunatics of the likes of Gates, WEF, the UN, et al, is no longer hidden, it is out in the open.  It is, and continues to be, announced even in the mainstream media, but instead of saying outright "we must get rid of seven billion people if the earth is to survive," they say instead: "you have to get injected with the "covid" "vaccine" to be "safe."  Or, "we have to reduce CO2 emissions before the earth burns up."  Or, "because of global warming, the seas are rising, and New York City will be under water in ..... years."  You fill in the blanks.  (Wasn't it back in the 70s or 80s "scientists" were warning us about the coming of a new ICE age?)

The main -- deadly -- vehicle to achieve their diabolical goal is the "covid" "vaccine."

After reading the above article, and the brainwashed populace continue to stick out their arms so they can be "protected" from any "variants" of "covid" -- or, now "monkeypox" -- then they are part of the problem, refusing to think for themselves and do even the slightest research to see the folly of mind-numbed obedience to tyrannical state or federal medical "authorities."  

Wake up America!  


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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