Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Demonic Possession, Plus (MK-ULTRA) Possession = July 4th Mass Shooting In Highland Park, Illinois...

  Six good people dead, and at least 24 wounded while celebrating the Fourth of July in the city of Highland Park, Ill., about 25 miles north of the continuing war zone that is Chicago.  (Here are the deadly statistics of murder and mayhem in the "windy city": July to date, 14 shot and killed; 75 wounded; total shot, 89; total homicides, 14.  Year to date: 311 shot and killed; shot and wounded, 1,366; total shot 1,677; total homicides, 340.  And yet mayor Lightfoot is still in office!  Where is the outrage from the mainstream media and calls for Lightfoot to be removed and jailed for malfeasance and dereliction of her sworn duties?  But the hard Left will use any shooting to attack the law-abiding every time, it never fails.) 

The demented "alleged" shooter, Bobby Crimo III, was captured by police after committing the murder and mayhem during the parade of innocent American patriots.

I will post two videos pointing out the very real possibility that this demon was, in fact, possessed by satanic forces -- he practically admits this in one of the videos.  

I must warn my readers to be on guard... The second video is very creepy and sinister... 

When the combination of demonic possession is coupled with the use of drugs -- MK-ULTRA comes to mind, the possibility of a planned and controlled event becomes very real.  Another Manchurian Candidate programmed to unleash his death and hate at the behest, of?

Please pay close attention to video number two...


And this... 

(45) Black Conservative Patriot Community (locals.com)

By the way, this creep was previously known to law enforcement, but little or nothing was done -- no "red flag" action was taken... Also keep in mind that Illinois has some of the most restrictive gun control laws on the books, yet it seems that only the law-abiding are to be disarmed, not the criminally insane or gangs or drug lords fighting for territorial rights to spread their filthy and deadly concoctions of cocaine and fentanyl... 

Pray for strength and honor -- and always carry a pistol or revolver!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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