Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Blind Leading The Blind: Supporters Of "Pope" Francis And Those Who Rightfully Counter Bergoglio's Contradictions, Ambiguities And Outright Support For The Culture Of Death...

  Why is it that the post-Vat. II, modernist Catholics cannot see the forest for the trees?   Their blind support for the evil and wicked agenda that emanates from Rome is beyond comprehension! 

Let those who have eyes to see, see, and those who have ears to hear, hear...

I am always amazed at the selectivity of data of Bergoglio's supporters like to use to hammer those faithful Catholics who call out the truth, instead of succumbing to the spirit of the age, i.e., the culture of death, compromise and appeasement so prevalent in the novus ordo "church"...

And, no, the culture of death is not limited to abortion -- the willful killing of the pre-born, or rampant homosexuality, etc. -- it also concerns the death of the soul when priests, bishops, cardinals and popes refuse to admonish a dastardly, grave sinner and call him to repent of his evil habits.

When you add two and two, you generally get four as the answer...

But in the novus ordo world, it's not "nice" to tell a "Catholic" politician that they are jeopardizing their immortal soul if he or she doesn't stop their support for abortion or homosexual "marriage," or forcing nations to the brink of war... Another endless list...

You see, it's all about feelings... And, dare we criticize the pope!  Who do we faithful, traditional Catholics think we are?  Are we better than the pope?  Do we know all the ins and outs of what goes on behind the closed doors of the Vatican City state?  

I don't, do you?

But!  And here is where the above phrase comes in: let those who have eyes to see, see, and those who have ears to hear, hear!

Our Lord God gave us the senses that make up our bodies and minds.  If we are going to use those senses to judge -- yes judge -- another's actions and words, and the consequences of those actions and words, then we have to be true to those senses.  If we are not true to those senses, then we can very easily fall prey to what we see going on in the world, especially what goes on in what passes for the Catholic Church, at least the church that that very same world sees as the Catholic Church... 

But those senses can deceive us -- even what we see with our eyes when we read the Bible.  St. Peter tells us that the unlearned -- the poorly catechized -- can wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction! 

How true!  

Yet, I see and hear this almost on a daily basis by those proclaiming to be just regular Catholic guys and gals, in reality, they have become so enamored, so smitten by the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that anyone who claims that the pope is part of the problem plaguing the novus ordo church, that any criticism of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, are something less than Catholic, or schismatic -- or even Protestant!  While, at the same time ignoring the evidence, the proof of his concurrence, or at least his confusing ambiguities, regarding the culture of death.

So be it...

Please see below some of the videos that confirm the twisted, forked-tongued Bergoglio... I can post a million videos to prove this, but here are just a couple...   Judge for yourself...

 (6660) Vigano: Satan's Minions In The Church & The World Will Be Defeated - YouTube.

(6663) LIVE REACTION: Pope Francis comments on Biden Receiving holy communion - YouTube.

(6660) Why did Francis canonize Paul VI and John Paul II? - YouTube.

(6660) Pope Francis: Nancy Pelosi may receive Communion - Latest Interview - YouTube.

Pope Francis: Biden’s support for abortion is a matter for his ‘conscience’ and ‘pastor’ - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Bergoglio's incessant attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful Catholics who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, not to mention those former Ecclesia Dei communities that provide the Mass of the ages: The TLM that produced uncountable Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years!  

Why is he doing this??

Is it to position the Vatican to be part of the new world order, one world religion built on the image and likeness of man, rejecting the Perfect Founder, our Lord, substituting the true faith with an empty shell that looks and sounds "catholic," but will do nothing to lead the flock to Heaven.  Rather, it will -- and has led -- millions of Catholics over the cliff to physical -- and spiritual death forever.... 

Pray to remain true to the truth and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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