Thursday, July 14, 2022

Democrats Are The Party Of The Damned -- Absolutely And Positively!!

  Am I rash judging all Democrats?  No, I am simply writing about what they themselves say and do.  And, if we are to be defenders of the truth, then we must call out these maniacs for what they are.  

Let's face it, our country is in the depths of moral turpitude.  Sure, the killer decision of Roe v Wade has been overturned, but that is but one of many horrific examples of how low my beloved country as sunk.

Let me be clear: it is not the landmass of the United States of America that is evil and wicked -- the soil, trees and air -- but those who make up the ruling class that have rejected our God and have sold their souls to Satan and his minions...

The father of lies has so brainwashed some Democrats to the extent that they can't even define what a woman is!  Or, still more insane, that men can get pregnant, or that "transgenders" can get pregnant, that is, if you can figure out what or who you are looking at: is that a male or a female????  A male putting on a dress and some lipstick doesn't a female make!  Same for some lunatic female claiming to be a male, make that female -- a male!

Some of these miscreants go much further down the road of stupidity -- and damnation -- by mutilating their bodies, by adding or subtracting certain sexual organs to reverse -- to deny -- what they were when they were born.

Of course, all this leads to the most bizarre and even deadly -- to the soul as well as the body -- sexual choices, many leading to disease and death.  The mainstream, Marxist media never cover this aspect of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, never.

What else has this moral turpitude led to?  

Human sexual enslavement and human trafficking -- especially of minors!  Read: children!

President Trump was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but he was the most pro-life president in the history of the Republic, bar none.  In addition, during his administration, and under his direction, law enforcement accomplished multiple sting operations freeing hundreds if not thousands of minors, again, read: children, from the captivity of those diabolical human traffickers who racked in millions from their "clients"... 

I would be willing to bet that if we saw a list of names of those who paid for the procurement of minors to satisfy their sexual lust, we would be shocked!  Remember, we are talking about those who have lots of money to burn, including politicians -- of both stripes!  

I want to give my readers an example of just how low and demonic the Democrats have sunk -- as if we already didn't know!

Please read the following article from

House Judiciary Committee Dems Vote Unanimously to Block Measure That Would Have Increased Penalties For Child Sex Traffickers (

Now, I could give one reason that the Demonrats rejected this bill: because it was proposed by a Republican and sponsored by a Republican and they can't have that!  But there is another, more sinister reason: they are the party of the damned, with many of the Demonrats being apostate Catholics, the worst enemies of Christ!

We know the main culprits: Biden, Pelosi, Becerra, Durbin, etc... In fact, about eight of Biden's cabinet heads are "Catholics"!  All are pro-abort; all are pro-homosexual; all are pro-alphabet soup people; you get the idea... 

We have to pray for the conversion of these deviants, if we don't, then we fail the command of our Lord to love our enemies.  Further, if we don't forgive them then we won't be forgiven and that is the worst fate of all! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




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