Saturday, July 16, 2022

A Small Child Who Likes To Kill Babies!

  Is there a small child who likes to kill babies, completely violating the Natural Law and God-given common sense??  It's called murder!

Is there a small child who is an abortionist??

Is there a small child who is a mass shooter -- targeting little children??

Is there a "Frankenstein"-zombielike-small-child embedded with artificial intelligence (A.I) running loose??

Is there a small child forcing -- or brainwashing -- his elders to get a deadly injection to fight the "covid" "virus"??

Is there a small child who loves to sniff the hair and whisper dirty things into the ears of other small, female children or young girls??

Is there a small child who just loves to take off his cloths and jump into a pool, naked, embarrassing female Secret Service agents assigned to protect him?? 

Is there a small child who is so incompetent that he might lead us into a nuclear war with the Russian Bear??

Is there a small child strangling our ability to explore and drill for oil and gas while making us more dependent on OPEC+ begging them to produce more oil??   Doesn't make sense, does it? 

Is there a small child who doesn't care that gas prices are skyrocketing, straining the wallets of the average Joe just to fill up his tank, pay his bills and support his family with inflation (officially) running at 9.1 percent (closer to 15-20 percent!)?? 

Is there a small child supporting and championing the bizarre movement of males who want to become females and females who want to become males, completely violating the Natural Law and God-given common sense?? 

Is there a small child who can barely put a coherent sentence together and yells at reporters who try to get a straight answer to easy, softball questions??

Is there a small child who claims to be a "devout Catholic" and encouraged to keep receiving the Holy Eucharist at Mass -- encouraged by the other small child sitting in the Chair of St. Peter?? 

I could ask another million or so questions about a particular small child... But in order not to bore my readers, I would simply ask you to watch this video by Tucker Carlson from the and judge for yourself to see just who -- or what -- our nation is dealing with... Pray!

Biden Was Fed Pills to Function During Campaign, Supervised by Dr. Jill; Before Dosing Biden Was 'Like a Small Child': Tucker Carlson Source (

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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