Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The "Evil," "Wicked," "Anti-Christ" Catholic Church: Were The Protestants Right?

 The Protestants "must" be right -- in their minds -- or at least since 2013 when Bergoglio, the former Archbishop from Argentina, was "elected" to the Chair of St. Peter, began apologizing up one side and down the other for the "crimes" of the Spotless Bride of Christ -- the Catholic Church...

And that's the key: the Spotless Bride of Christ!  Bergoglio can't seem to recognize the difference between wicked men in the church and their crimes, and the Church herself.

Or can he??

Sadly -- and here is the "conspiracy": he knows exactly what he is doing, and that is, to makeover the church into an image and likeness of man, devoid of the supernatural grace of God Almighty.  In fact, Bergoglio is an aggressive enabler of the modernists, communists and active homosexuals that have infiltrated the novus ordo church... 

Tough talk, but Bergoglio's words and actions speak for themselves...

This is the same "mistake" that the arch heretic, Luther, made back in the early 1500s, accusing the Catholic Church of numerous -- sometimes made up -- abuses of money, sex, power as well as lording it over the peons, if you will... 

Now why would I put the word mistake is air quotes?  

Simple: Luther made no mistake, he knew exactly what he was doing -- rebelling against the Catholic Church, hence, he was rebelling against Christ, his Lord.

But why?

I'm only a Catholic layman; I am not a canon lawyer nor a scholar of Church history, but what I do know -- and the world knows -- is that Luther could not handle his inclination to sin, his proven lusts.  And when someone can't "handle" his sin, he will accuse others of what he does.  In other words, he will project his weaknesses on to someone else or some other entity in order to justify the end regardless of the means used!

And since the Protestant Revolution -- not "Reformation" -- tens, if not hundreds of millions of souls have been deceived into hating that "evil," "wicked," "anti-Christ" Catholic Church.  Either not entering Her, or leaving Her for "greener pastures"... 

As we know, the "greener pastures" are rarely greener in any sense of the word, just deception, confusion and the threat to our final heavenly destiny...

But Bergoglio caters to those outside the one, true Church of Jesus Christ, with mushy, compromised "doctrine" made up on the spot so as not to offend our "separated brethren"... In fact, his new "doctrines" directly contradicts the perennial teachings of the Church.  So, on that one subject alone he, Bergoglio, has failed to uphold his sacred task of being the custodian and guardian of the Deposit of Faith, (Scripture and Tradition) and not an innovator -- which he has proven over and over again -- that he is!

As I write this missive, Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome -- he no longer refers to himself as the Vicar of Christ -- is in Canada (under the iron fist of the tyrant, apostate Catholic, Trudeau) begging for forgiveness for the "abuses" and "crimes" of the brave and courageous Catholic missionaries and teachers, bringing the Faith to the indigenous peoples of our northern neighbor... 

Interesting, or, should I say, disgusting that Bergoglio would attack the well-earned reputations of those who are dead and cannot defend themselves against the slanders of a supposed pope of the Catholic Church.  

Justice?  We don't need no stinkin' justice!

Please watch this lengthy video from The Remnant...

The Remnant Newspaper - RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: Francis in Canada and the Rest of the Story

And judge for yourself: is Bergoglio the real successor of St. Peter???  Or???

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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