Friday, July 1, 2022

The Caliber Of Some Of The Creatures Sitting On The Supreme Court...

  I am a shooting enthusiast.  I love shooting!  Not so much hunting but shooting.

I am familiar with many calibers of bullets as I have several different types of weapons that use various calibers.  

One of the "low-powered" bullets is the .22 short.  You might see this caliber being fired at a bazaar, carnival or some type of community fair, testing one's skill and accuracy in hitting a moving or stationary target...  To me, it was fun -- plus, I was a good shot!

Of course, there were and are many other calibers of "rimfire" and "centerfire" cartridges, some used for hunting big game such as deer, elk, bear, you get the picture...

The higher the caliber, usually, the more powerful it is, depending on bullet weight, grains of powder used, etc...

Now, those who do not hunt or shoot, the word caliber could also conjure up the idea of the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability.

And this is how I will use the word caliber, at least for this missive...

I bring your attention to the following article from Crackpot SCOTUS Justice Warns Eastern US Could be "Swallowed by the Ocean" in Minority Dissent to EPA Ruling (

We're talking about justice Elena Kagan who still sits on the Supreme Court and probably will for who knows how many more destructive years, spewing her dangerous nonsense...

At this point, I think I should refresh the memory of my readers that this miscreant, when a nominee to the court, was asked this question by the Senate Judiciary committee: What are your views on Natural Rights?   Her unbelievable response: Senator, I have no views on Natural Rights.  

I am not making this up!

As a human, Kagan must have a view on Natural Rights!  

But she said she didn't have any such views!

At that point, the good senator should have come down hard on her like the Rock of Gibraltar!   But he let her get away scot-free, the rest, as they say, is history...

And because she sits on the highest court in the land, she thinks that the Eastern seaboard will be under water because of the recent 6-3 decision slamming the rogue, federal agency the EPA, and its authority to stifle legitimate use of our abundant fossil fuels to keep America running and growing...   

Here is what she said in her dissenting opinion: "If the current rate of emissions continues, children born this year could live to see parts of the Eastern seaboard swallowed up by the ocean."  

Now you know the rest of the story and the caliber of Kagan... 

Keep in mind that this lunatic is all for the slaughter of the pre-born just like the other liberal nuts on the court, and that now includes the apostate "Catholic" chief justice John Roberts.  Am I too harsh on this character?  Not really, you see Roberts recently voted with the other satanists not to overturn Roe!

God have mercy on our country!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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