Thursday, July 28, 2022

Who Are The REAL Domestic Terrorists? Why, None Other Than Your "Friendly" FBI, That's Who!

  If you think what I just wrote is more than a "stretch," I will provide some of the volumes of evidence that is staring us right in the face.  

If the swat team attacks of innocent American citizens weren't bad enough -- and there are many examples of this available in the public domain -- then consider the rogue hierarchy of the FBI and the directives from the so-called "Department of Justice" headed by the ultra-corrupt, Merrick Garland -- to investigate law-abiding Americans!

This vindictive criminal -- appointed by the other ultra-corrupt, Biden and his crime family -- and his henchmen, are hell-bent on depriving Americans of due process guaranteed in our Constitution by intimidation and lying and -- the planting of evidence??  While, at the same time, ignoring the real criminals roaming America plotting real domestic terrorism on our infrastructure, and, most importantly, on our families.  

Think that's another "stretch," not so.  One of the stated goals of the real terrorist organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) is to dismantle and destroy the family unit -- the building block of any society.  

The BLM monsters have gotten away with bloody murder -- literally!  While, at the same time, parents at school board meetings are classified as domestic terrorists?? 

Please read this article from Information Liberation posted on Whistleblowers: FBI Agents Are Being ‘Encouraged And Incentivized’ to Reclassify Cases As Domestic Extremism (

The second phase of this treason is the Marxist cabal known as the Biden Mafia crime syndicate.  

Anyone who has heard of Robert "Hunter" Biden, the "president's" son, knows from the "laptop from hell," that this character is as bad as bad can be, at least on this side of hell... 

Drugs, perverted sex, prostitutes, shady financial dealings with Communist Red China, the corrupt Ukraine, etc... 

Am I slandering this miscreant?  Not at all, because it is important to point out that his criminal activities are being covered up, not only by the mainstream media, running cover for this wild lunatic, but also -- here we go again! -- by the corrupt FBI.   

See this short video from Scrambles To Protect Biden Crime Family (

These are the anti-Christs that patriotic, God-fearing Americans have to deal with in our once-free country.  Instead of being protected and represented by our elected officials, we are systematically having our constitutional rights being attacked and undermined by those haters of freedom and lovers of Marxist slavery.

These are truly the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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