Wednesday, August 3, 2022

"...A Grotesque Parody Of Christ’s Trial Before The Sanhedrin And Pilate."

  I will post only a few excerpts of this article from Archbishop Vigano, but I urge everyone to read the entire article it is damning to the elitist, globalist powers, but also points out the moral and spiritual rot of those in power in the ecclesiastical relm...

What you will read is the great injustice perpetrated against the brave Catholic martyrs who suffered innumerable hardships and tortures in order to bring the pagan people to Christ.  

As bad as that is, the worst will be revealed when you read the good Archbishop's missive...

 «My wife,

when asked who converted her to Catholicism,

always answers, “the devil”».

G.K. Chesterton

"...having no arguments to discredit the Church of Christ and the Christian society that has been inspired and guided by her down the centuries, resorts to slander and the manipulation of reality."

"Regarding the “faults” of the Jesuit missionaries, I think Corrispondenza Romana (here) has answered exhaustively, enumerating the brutality to which the Martyrs of Canada were subjected at the hands of the Iroquois Indians. The same applies to the alleged accusations relating to the Indian residential schools that the State had entrusted to the Catholic Church and the Anglicans in order to civilize the indigenous people and favor the assimilation of the Christian culture of the country."

Viganò and Bergoglio’s Trip to Canada: Act of Submission to the New World Order - LewRockwell

Pray for the defeat of these monsters and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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