Saturday, August 6, 2022

If It Walks Like A Duck You Can Bet That It Is A -- D U C K!

  Frankly, I've just about had it!

With what, you ask?

I've just about had it with the softballs being lobbed at these so-called "bishops" and "cardinals" of the novus ordo thing.

Let me explain...

How many times have you read an article, or news report or some church news agency, or blogger saying or writing something like: "pro-lgbt cardinal," or "Fr." James Martin is supported by "Pope" Francis (known as the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio -- his desired title, not mine.  In fact, he no longer claims the title of the successor of St. Peter: the Vicar of Christ!), or any of the other so-called "Catholic" clergy who are in bed with the sodomites (pun intended), at least, as we are told, as their supporters, either with their power and influence, or actively in their damned "ministry"?

As you can see, I titled my article: If It Walks Like A Duck You Can Bet That It Is A -- D U C K!

What I am saying -- if it needs to be said -- is that those so-called bishops, cardinals and even popes, by association at least, are also "ducks": homosexuals, that is, and even worse, if that's possible, and I think it is.  

Okay, there I said it.   

I stand by that because of the enormous amounts of daily evidence that keeps piling up, with story after story of some stupid and sordid involvement of those clergy and the diabolical antics of the sodomites.  With not a whimper from Bergoglio and yet he continues to attack -- yes attack! -- faithful, traditional Catholics as if we were aliens from Mars, or vampires or murderers, in his attempt to stomp out the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages as well as the traditional, perennial teachings of the legitimate Magisterium.  

The ongoing hypocrisy is so in-your-face and so damning that I can come to no other conclusion that what is left of the novus ordo church -- the church that the world sees and hears -- is purposely being destroyed from within by the St. Gallen Mafia, the Lavender Mafia, Communists, Masons, the sodomites -- and the New World Order, as well as the population control lunatics, with the open support and help of Bergoglio.  

This is pure hellish evil!

Here is one example of this demonic madness that continues to emanate from apostate Rome: 

EXCLUSIVE: Pro-LGBT cardinal claims Pope Francis is in 'full agreement' with his stance - LifeSite (

In reality, I could post dozens of videos and articles that can cement my hypothesis -- if that is necessary -- to prove what is really going on in that concoction created, not by God, but by apostate "Catholic" males, and so-called "separated brethren," to bring the church up to the current times; to change church teaching regarding faith -- and morals! -- to deceive, if possible, even the Elect... 

The problem with the constant mantra of "dialogue," is that only one side wins -- and it's not the Catholic side!  It never has been, and this is all by design to weaken the core dogma of the Faith: that outside the Catholic Church, there is no salvation for any human creature.  

Tough words, right?  

Sure, but that's why our Lord was crucified!  The "religious" leaders of His day didn't like to hear Him proclaim that those who are Baptized and believe will be saved, but those who believe not (and that also means those who are not BAPTIZED) will be condemned!  And that He was/is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except by Him...

You can take that to the bank!

What can we do to stifle and defeat these satanic monsters?  Frist, we must attain personal sanctification and also pray for our enemies -- for this what our Lord commanded.  Further, if we don't forgive our enemies, then we will not be forgiven!  A true double-edged sword!

Second, pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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