Saturday, August 27, 2022

My Uncle, Vincent DeLalla, World War II Veteran, RIP... Is He In Purgatory??

  Let me start off by reporting that my dear Uncle, Vincent (Vince) DeLalla, did not die recently, in fact he passed away back in the 1980s...

As I always do, I include all my deceased aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers and cousins in our Rosary and also in my more private prayers -- I am among the last of the nephews...

But why am I now reporting that my Uncle Vince passed away, when he died several decades ago?

Well, the other night, I had a dream... In this dream, my Uncle Vince and I greeted each other, I can't remember what we said to each other if anything.  The funny thing is, is that he was exactly how I saw him in a photo when he was much younger and in his Army uniform (he served in the European theater of the war) with his neat and trimmed mustache...

I don't know why he came into my dream.  Also interesting is that we shook hands.  I don't remember too much after that, but I told my wife (Kathy) that this could be an indication or a "plea" from my uncle to pray for him -- he just may be in Purgatory, of course I don't know for sure, but nevertheless, we will have a Mass said for him, pronto...

I have heard and read stories of folks who have passed away and appeared to those still on earth, begging for prayers and Masses to be said for them to release them from the fires of Purgatory.  More interesting, or should I say, more importantly, after the prayers and especially the Masses were said for the deceased, some of those re-appeared, letting those who prayed, know that they were released from Purgatory and entering the Beatific Vision of our Lord and the Holy Trinity!

Do I believe in such things -- in miracles! -- yes, of course. 

I ask for anyone reading this missive to say a prayer or two for my Uncle Vince, World War II veteran and patriot...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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