Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Pontifical Academy For Life, Or The Pontifical Academy For The Culture Of Death Under Bergoglio, You Decide...

  Well, he's done it again!

Done what?

He (Bergoglio) has appointed another anti-Christ to the -- former -- Pontifical Academy For Life in the form of a demonic -- professed atheist! -- Mariana Mazzucato, who, by the way, is also a radical pro-abortionist and population control maniac, in the same vein of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, who was also appointed by Bergoglio to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences some time back...

Mazzucato is also a card-carrying member of the notoriously anti-life, anti-Christ, World Economic Forum.  An organization that has been a catalyst for abortion, population control, a one-world government (which Bergoglio has advocated) and transhumanism as well!

So, I have to ask: just who is Bergoglio?

Is he a pope of the Catholic Church, or is his master, not Christ, but our Lord's enemy and the enemy of the human race, Satan?

Bergoglio has done so much damage to what is left of the novus ordo "church" since he was installed as "pope" back in 2013, that even the non-Catholic world is confused and dismayed by his words and actions.  He can no longer hide behind the mantra of "accompaniment," "dialogue," and a false ecumenism that does nothing for the Catholic Church, but only for the enemies of 2,000 of Church teaching and Tradition (the deposit of faith).  

In other words, when it comes to "dialogue" with other "religions," the Church always gets the short end of the stick, with little or no "give" from Her enemies... 

And now, Bergoglio has perverted the Pontifical Academy For Life, founded during the reign of Pope John Paul II who, at this writing, must be spinning in his grave at the errors, heresies, appeasement and compromise of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter -- who is also spinning in his grave, no doubt!

Please read the following article from lifesitenews.com...

Pope appoints pro-abortion World Economic Forum speaker to Pontifical Academy for Life - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

The novus ordo "church" is dying on the vine, but unfortunately, the ripple effects will and is affecting the whole Catholic world and secular society as well.  It's the old saying: as the church goes, so goes society.  And that is why we have apostate "Catholics" who spew their contempt for life and quote their "devout faith," the Bible and Church teaching to justify their radical support for the killing of the pre-born, the sin of Sodom and the new world order.

Faithful Catholics are under duress, but it will get much worse, if not under Bergoglio, then under his hand-picked successor.  Mark my words and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us..

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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