Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Truth, Sarcasm Or War, Take Your Pick!

 Actually, truth will always win out, but in the meantime, we "simple" folks have to be able to discern what to believe, how to take or interpret sarcasm, prepare for WAR -- or all three!

I hate to say this, but ever since the apostate "Catholic," Biden, was installed -- not elected! -- to the presidency, we have inched, no make that giant-stepped toward a potential nuclear conflagration disaster with the Russian Bear -- over Ukraine?

It seems that the Biden Mafia has so much influence -- and control -- over the "president" of Ukraine, the filthy, former dancer -- and puppet -- Zelensky, since at least 2014, as well as the corrupt financial dealings with Robert "Hunter" Biden, that both countries -- as well as NATO -- have backed themselves into a dangerous corner with little wiggle room to get out of that corner short of a nuclear war with Russia...

And now, with Nord Stream 1and 2 gas pipelines being severely damaged -- read: sabotaged, one can easily interpret that as an act of war.  If such sabotage was done to American energy supplies, what would we do???

As each day passes, there is more and more speculation as to just who did what to those pipelines; who would benefit the most, who had the ability to accomplish those acts of sabotage?  

Well, it now seems that the treasonous rats holding the Oval Office hostage, have tacitly admitted -- through the incompetent Sec. of State, Blinken, that it was, in fact, the U.S. who did that dirty act.  

I am not speculating here, and neither is Tucker Carlson... Please watch and listen to what Blinken says regarding the destruction of the pipelines, here:   Tucker Carlson: Tony Blinken's Statement Is an Admission the US Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)

What we are dealing with is a bunch of deep state maniacs more than willing to chance a war with Russia and to hell with the citizens of the U.S. -- and the world, for that matter, if that war turns out to be nuclear...  

And Biden got 81million votes back in 2020????

If anyone believes that I still have a bridge for sale on oceanfront property -- in Arizona!

We must pray for the defeat of these anti-Christs and beg for God's mercy and forgiveness for our spiritual sloth -- and worse!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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