Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mad Scientists At (Catholic???) Boston University Create A New Frankenstein "Virus" With 80% Lethality In "Humanized" Mice!!

  If any practicing Catholic needs any more proof of the massive apostacy from the Faith, then look no further!

Are you aware that Boston University -- no longer a Catholic institution! -- is playing Dr. Frankenstein by creating a new and more lethal "virus" with an 80% death rate in mice?

This new, gain of function, anti-human research, is nothing short of in-your-face diabolical lunacy, and is the legacy of another lunatic, the "Catholic" "Dr." Fauci, who is scheduled to resign (after nearly 55 years of deceit, mayhem and murder of his fellow citizens and citizens of the world).   But, for the sake of Satan, his master, he wants to leave behind another blood-money-making-scheme to control and de-populate earth's inhabitants and help foster the reign of anti-Christ...

I urge everyone to read the following information (and watch the video) and see for yourself the level of human arrogance mocking our good God and Creator: Mad Scientists Create Coronavirus With 80% Lethality in Mice - LewRockwell.

There is additional corroboration from an article from from October 17th... ARREST THEM NOW: Boston University Doctors Create New COVID Variant that Has 80% Kill Rate -- Funded by Dr. Fauci and NIH (

I have a question: where is the condemnation by the hierarchy of these rogue, apostate "Catholics" who go their merry way spewing disease and death as if they have no one to answer to???   

The answer: There isn't any!

If this is the case, and it is, then those prelates will also have to answer for their inactions and omissions in allowing these monsters to continue their deadly and diabolical "research".

The question then begs: Why should these Frankenstinian miscreants fulfill the Second Great commandment to love thy neighbor?  Because they don't believe in the First Great Commandment to love God!

God, please have mercy on us, Your slothful, idolatrous children!

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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