Friday, October 7, 2022

Has "Catholic" Poland Lost Their Collective Minds?????

 Where to begin?

Consider this: "Poland is a very religious country with over 33 million citizens practicing Catholicism, which makes up around 87% of the population. In Poland, Pope John Paul II, who is famous for renewing widespread Catholic faith, continues to be a powerful religious symbol and figure. Catholicism is the most prominent religion in Poland by a large percentage."  (According to the

Fine.  But consider this too, from Americans Better Wake Up and Realize the Russians Are genuinely Pissed Off (

Here is an excerpt from this troubling article: "Poland made matters worse by claiming this week that it asked the United States to base nuclear weapons in Poland. Polish President Duda told Bloomberg News:

“The problem, first of all, is that we don’t have nuclear weapons,” Duda said in an interview with the Gazeta Polska newspaper published on Wednesday. “There is always a potential opportunity to participate in nuclear sharing.” . . . (My emphasis.) 

"In April, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Poland’s de-facto leader as the head of the ruling Law & Justice Party, told the German Welt am Sontag newspaper that his country was “open” to hosting US nuclear weapons.

“We have spoken to American leaders about whether the US is considering such a possibility” of Poland sharing the weapons, Duda told the newspaper. “The topic is open.”


I have to say that the Catholicism practiced in Poland is not the Catholicism that I know and love, just the opposite...

What truly practicing Catholic country would want to have nuclear weapons placed on their soil?

If the conflict with Russia and Ukraine escalates into a nuclear exchange, the first country to be annihilated could very well be Poland since it's only 3,000 miles from the Russian border, a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump when it comes to hypersonic nuclear missiles.  And, if Poland is stupid enough to have nukes placed in their country, you know Russia will take them out, pronto! 

Recent reputable articles from various sources are pointing to more than just hyperbole when it comes to talking about a potential nuclear Armageddon with the Russian Bear, the U.S. and NATO, effectively ending humankind as we know it.  

Biden, the Manchurian Candidate presently occupying the Oval Office, continues to ramp up the rhetoric poking Russia's President, Putin, with the aim of forcing him into a corner and ending his battle with the corrupt Ukraine.  

That ain't gonna happen, period.  

This aggressive, political one-upmanship, is turning out to be more of a deadly game of Russian Roulette, this time played with nukes...

See this article from Joe Biden Warns World Facing Nuclear 'Armageddon' from Vladimir Putin (

The apostate, "Catholic," pervert, Biden, said this: “I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily [use] a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.”

Remember, this baby-killing, incoherent miscreant is the bad actor who has the authentication codes that must be used to launch our nuclear missiles and B-52 bombers, in a final act of lunacy and world-wide human destruction.

Sure, 81 million Americans voted for this murderous punk...

Pray for strength and honor for what might be coming down road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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