Sunday, October 2, 2022

Stockholm Syndrome! Actress Praises Covid Jab That Paralyzed Her, Vows To Take It Again!

 L U N A C Y!

What you are about to see is brainwashing so complete, that someone who has been injured and severely impaired by the filthy, deadly jab, says that she will take it (the jab) again!!!  

Please watch this video and see for yourself one of the reasons the world's population is in such an anti-life, anti-Christ mess... It's as if men have become nearly totally effeminate and women have abandoned their roles as the heart of the family by succumbing to the crazy zeitgeist promoting the very thing that hurts, not only themselves, but also their children...

 Stockholm Syndrome! Actress Praises Covid Jab That Paralyzed Her, Vows to Take It Again (

And, please, support Info Wars, one of the last bastions of truth left on earth!  A strong statement, I know, but if we Catholics are looking to the establishment "Catholic" Church for truth, we will be -- and have been -- sorely disappointed, as the new-world-order hierarchy of the novus ordo "church" continues to spew its schism and attacks on those faithful to our Lord.  I will say this: those who blindly follow the "bishops" over the cliff to their spiritual death, will have no one to blame but themselves when they stand before Christ at their Particular Judgment.  The ultimate and final result of the Stockholm Syndrome!

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these anti-Christs...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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