Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Denial Of Our Constitutional -- God-Given Rights!

  Under the current Marxist regime occupying the Oval Office, this is nothing new...  

If you notice, over the last two years or so, the real bad guys, e.g., "Black lives matter," and the real insurrectionists, Antifa, have gotten away with mayhem, death and destruction -- literally! -- while the law-abiding are the ones singled out and punished for, what exactly??  For bearing witness to the truth??

I harken back to our Lord's day, when He was standing, scourged, bleeding, and humiliated before the mob of satanists and Pilate... Christ told Pilate that He had come to bear witness to the Truth... Pilate's response: What is truth?

Pilate didn't or couldn't recognize the Truth standing only a foot or two from him; he succumbed to the mob's call to crucify our dear Lord, and release the murderer, Barabas, instead, even though Pilate found no guilt in Jesus!

It seems that Pilate was intimidated by the mob and feared more social upheaval that could very well lead to his removal as the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea -- serving under Emperor Tiberius -- or death, perhaps?

It seems ludicrous that a human creature, Pilate, had the power of life and death over the Son of God, but he did, as our Lord told Pilate that his power -- and ability of the state to take a criminal's life was given from above (His Father).  Not that our Lord was a criminal, just the opposite, but the scales of justice were reversed in the "case" against Jesus... 

The rights of our Lord were, for all practical purposes, denied.  He had no one to act as His defense attorney, nor was He given an opportunity to show His mercy, forgiveness and healing of the ill -- and even raising the dead to life -- on numerous occasions.

We know that He was crucified and rose again; that is historical fact!

I digressed a wee bit here, to make a point on what is presently going on in court of biased public opinion as well as the outright denial of our Constitutional, God-given rights to defend ourselves by the dictates of tyrannical, treasonous "judges".  It seems that in 2,000 years there hasn't been much of a change: the good guys get prosecuted while the bad guys, in many cases, get off scot-free.

Take, for instance, the direction from the corrupt Attorney General, Garland, sending a memo to the corrupt FBI, telling them to surveil parents at school board meetings fighting the un-natural filth infesting many areas of the public school system and treating them as potential "domestic terrorists," while all along our southern border the real, foreign terrorists are slipping by the overworked border patrol agents trying to protect us from a planned invasion! 

I urge you to watch the following video from regarding the kangaroo court denying the right of Alex Jones to defend himself.  After you watch this video, try to figure out why the "judge" in this case is still a sitting judge, and why she hasn't been impeached and sent to jail.  

Full Press Conference! Alex Jones To Boycott Sandy Hook Show Trail (

I am absolutely convinced that there is little or no justice in this life, but to those who dispense their version of "justice," beware -- you will face the ultimate Judge at your Particular Judgment!  And may God have mercy on your souls!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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