Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Devastating Proof -- TRUTH! -- Of The PLANNED Revolution In The Church Starting From The Demonic Second Vatican Council And Forward!

  I could have titled this missive as "the continuing proof," or "the obvious proof," or "the sickening proof," or any way you want to describe the massive apostacy, treason and outright denial of what the authentic Catholic Church has taught and believed always and everywhere -- universally (catholic) -- throughout the ages...

The following video and report from Church Militant should be a wakeup call to those who continue to defend Vat. II -- and the havoc that started, then followed a council that was supposed to "let fresh air into the Church," but instead allowed the "smoke of Satan into the sanctuary" (Paul VI)...

(629) Catholic — News Report — Lethal Tsunami - YouTube.

That "smoke of Satan" was, and is, the modernist, communist, pervert infiltration that began -- admittedly -- long before Vat. II.  In fact, there was congressional testimony from the former communist, Bella Dodd and her minions, who were tasked by the atheistic communist Soviet Union to recruit commies, perverts, and who knows who else or what else, to enter the seminaries, keep their mouths shut, make nice, become "priests," then twist and corrupt the minds and souls of faithful Catholics, in some very subtle ways -- gradually turning up the heat and eventually boiling the spiritual frog to death -- over the span of multiple decades leading up to the current mess in the novus ordo "church"... 

We now know that certain "priests," bishops" and "cardinals" were in-your-face perverts who sexually attacked and destroyed uncountable innocent souls for years on end, with other pervert "bishops" and "cardinals," not only covering up their dastardly deeds, but also shifting them around to other dioceses where those demons could continue the foul sin of Sodom unhindered.

Sure, some justice was eventually meted out to some of the victims and their families, but it was -- and is -- too little too late, and some of the perpetrators did land in jail, but far too many escaped the wrath of the civil authorities, but they will not escape the wrath of God -- it is called JUSTICE!

There is another aspect to this massive infiltration along with the "spirit of Vatican II," and that was -- and is -- the denial of the core dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation for any human creature (see my article: The End Result Of Appeasement, Treason And Apostacy: The DOGMA That Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation, Is Now DOA!)

And if that were not bad enough, just after the council, and all the way up to the late 70s and 80s, literally tens of thousands of priests and religious deserted their vocations in order "to find themselves" -- sick!  Let's call that the result of the spirit of Satan, not the Holy Ghost... 

The parallel "Catholic" Church is a disaster and can only be saved by really brave bishops -- if there are any left -- as well as by the faithful laity.

Presently, with Bergoglio at the helm of the ship-of-state, the errors, heresies and mass confusion that Catholics -- and non-Catholics alike -- see and hear emanating from Rome, can account for the incredible estimate that about 70+ percent of those who profess to be Catholic, no longer believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!  If that is the case, then what do they believe in -- or deny???  

Pray for strength and honor for what is assuredly coming down the ecclesiastical road that just may shake our souls to the core!  I am convinced that we American Catholics will soon join our Chinese brothers and sisters and enter the catacombs a second time, very deeply underground...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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