Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Faithful Chinese Catholics Continue To Be Thrown Under The Bus By Treasonous Apostate Rome!

  Let's face it: There is no shame, no conscience, by the current regime occupying the Vatican, and that includes a rogue, anti-Catholic "pope".

A little background... Back in 2018, Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome, sent the convicted pervert "cardinal" McCarrick to Red Communist China to broker an agreement with the murderous commies to allow the deadly, anti-Christ CCP to pick and choose "bishops" to head the so-called Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church.  Supposedly, Rome would then have to approve those picked, then everything would be hunky-dory, and Rome and the commies would be like two peas in a pod (which they are, in more ways than one!).

But wait a minute!  

There was and is a problem...

The faithful Catholics -- that is, faithful to our Lord and the authentic Magisterium -- were thrown under the bus and had to go even deeper underground in order to preserve their Catholic faith.

Sure, they could have recognized the hand-picked communist "bishops," but that would be a sell-out to the Reds, they didn't, but that's exactly what Rome did!

Here is an excerpt from an article from written by Patrick Goodenough: "It said the Vatican was “committed to continuing a respectful and constructive dialogue” with China for the accord’s productive implementation “and further development of bilateral relations, with a view to fostering the mission of the Catholic Church and the good of the Chinese people.”  (My emphasis.)


Read the entire article here and see for yourselves what this agreement from hell is really all about: Vatican-Beijing Accord on Chinese Catholics Extended: ‘Mistake’ to Compromise Faith for Communists, Pompeo Says | CNSNews.

(At the end of the article, you will see additional articles that corroborate the treason of the novus ordo hierarchy and their diabolical treachery...) 

Think I'm being too harsh?  Just ask faithful -- real -- Cardinal Zen...

(Right now, the 90-year-old cardinal is being tried by the commies for his support for pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong -- which is now under communist domination since the gutless, stupid British surrendered the colony to the Reds.)

Or how about -- real -- Bishop Joseph Zhang Weizhu?

My dear readers: appeasement and compromise never works.  That's bad enough on a secular level, but when that appeasement and compromise infects what is left of the novus ordo "church," the spiritual consequences are disastrous!  

There have been more than a few Chinese Catholics who would, no doubt, qualify for the title MARTYR!  That title may well soon be applied to faithful Catholics here in the U.S. and other pockets of resistance to those false prelates trying to destroy the real Catholic Church, especially the flourishing Traditional Latin Mass.  (Regarding the TLM, watch and see what will be coming down the road by early next year, around March at the latest, and get ready to go underground!) 

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these apostates...

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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