Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The End Result Of Appeasement, Treason And Apostacy: The DOGMA That Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation, Is Now DOA!

  You have this great friend.  His name is Syd.  He's a family man, father, hardworking, quite charitable -- and he's on your bowling team, too!

Syd is a Jew.  (Or he could have been an atheist, a Protestant, a Hindu, et al.)

Syd has heard of Christ -- who hasn't?  

He knows about Christmas and the several other special holidays (holy days), such as Easter that are celebrated, not only by Catholics, but also by other "Christians" around the world... 

Few, if any Catholics have talked to Syd about our dear Lord and His sacrifice on the Cross and the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies regarding the coming Messiahs Who would redeem mankind from the fall of our first parents and to destroy the Original Sin committed in the Garden by (water! -- not by "desire" or blood baloney) Baptism...  

Syd has a general knowledge of such things, because he is an inquisitive soul who loves to dig into things and research if he has some spare time in addition to his essential duties of husband and bread winner.

Syd also reads the Old Testament (the Torah) and takes his family to temple on the special, appropriate days, following the Jewish calendar...  

In other words, Syd is a practicing Jew.

Syd's neighbor is a practicing Catholic, born before the Second Vatican Council, and attended the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages, and lamented the near destruction of the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven as well as the radical changes in Church teachings on faith and morals.  Most notably, the absolute compromise on the key, foundational DOGMA that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation for any human creature...

This horrific appeasement, treason and even apostacy, has led to the destruction of countless millions of souls, included among those souls were Catholics who left the Church after the radical, modernist changes implemented after that satanic council...

One day, Frank and Syd had a conversation regarding the current events of the day, including the mad race to the "great reset" and the threats of all-out war in a country that the U.S., in reality, has very little interest in except for the connection of the corrupt financial dealings with a certain "president's" son and the phony, installed government of Ukraine...

Syd brought up the fact that he recently watched a video of fellow Jew, Ben Shapiro, interviewing "Bishop" Barron (of Internet "fame")... 

Ben asked "Bishop" Barron if he had to accept Jesus Christ in order to be saved.  

A pretty straightforward question that needed a straightforward and accurate answer.  But instead of "Bishop" Barron explaining -- in a charitable way, of course -- that Ben had to recognize our Lord as Savior and come into the Catholic Church in order to be saved, he made the astonishing reply that Christ was the "privileged way" to get to Heaven!   

Where have I read: that no one comes to the Father except through Me?

No ifs, ands or buts here.   It's the simple truth.  But not according to "Bishop" Barron...

Right then and there, Barron had a tremendous chance to bring Ben Shapiro into the Church or at least get him to ask some important questions and perhaps, seek and find the truth.

But, no, Barron blew it... I guess he didn't want to create an uneasy atmosphere for Ben (or for himself?), but worse, he failed to exercise his charism as a "bishop" and lead someone outside the fold to his Lord and Savior... What a damn shame...

Syd then asks Frank: was "bishop" Barron correct in what he told Ben??

Frank -- quite boldly, at least in these days! -- responded that Barron was wrong as hell and should have explained to Ben that Christ was indeed the Messiahs and about Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the Cross for all mankind in order to redeem us and save us.  And that Christ founded a church on the rock of St. Peter -- one church, not many -- in order to bring the sacraments instituted by Christ to nourish our souls and lead us to the Heavenly Beatitude...  

After a while, Frank suggested to Syd they have lunch sometime in the near future and continue the conversation regarding our ultimate destiny and what we have to do to get to Heaven... 

Syd agreed...

Good luck, Frank!

End of my rant!

See this video by Dr. Stine about the compromise and appeasement of the DOGMA that outside the Church there is no salvation and the horrific plan that may lead to the "canonization" of non-Catholics!

 (561) Francis Is Going To "Canonize" Non-Catholic "Saints" - YouTube.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




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