Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Novus Ordo "Priest" Offers "Mass" By Swimming Pool For Children’s Summer Camp In Spain

 Remember about a year or so ago a novus ordo -- bare-chested -- priest offered "mass" on an inner tube in the water, with females sitting on the beach in bikinis?  

Well, it happened again with a female in a bikini holding the chalice and a male in swimming shorts, "assisting" a novus ordo priest at a swimming pool full of girls and boys offering the "holy sacrifice of the mass"!

I will tell you flat out this is a foul blasphemy and a sacrilege perpetrated by those who have lost any vestige of the Catholic faith and their duty to honor our dear Lord.

What a scandal and horrible example to give to these impressionable, poorly catechized youngsters! 

Is it any wonder why over 70 percent of novus ordo "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence? 

I will now post an article from lifesitenews.com and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Try not to get angry... Try not to cry...

Priest offers Mass by swimming pool for children’s summer camp in Spain - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

"WAINGUGNA, Spain (LifeSiteNews) — A Spanish Salesian priest celebrated Mass on the side of a swimming pool, allowing a boy and girl in their bathing suits to elevate the chalice and the host.

In recent days, a Salesian priest offered a Novus Ordo Mass for the Spanish summer camp participants he was chaplaining for. The notable aspect about the Mass was that it was held on the side of the swimming pool of the camp headquarters, with the assembled teenagers in the pool in their swimming costumes.

READ: Austin bishop affirms Vatican instructed diocese to end Latin Mass at cathedral

Father Marco Antonio Martínez Moreno posted since-deleted images of the Mass onto his social media pages, on which he is particularly active. The images depict Moreno, vested in his alb and stole, standing behind a low table positioned right on the edge of the swimming pool. 

One image depicts him addressing the teenagers and young children in the pool, another shows him sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water while still vested and addressing the group.

Yet another image shows Moreno – still liturgically vested – flanked by a girl in a bikini and a boy in swimming shorts during the Mass. The girl is holding the chalice aloft, and the boy is holding the host in a manner which would appear to be the elevation of the consecrated species that occurs at the end of the Canon of the Mass.

Image of Moreno’s Mass, edited for modesty.

READ: Diocesan Latin Masses suppressed in Richmond as Vatican’s two-year indult expires

The original images of the Mass were deleted by Moreno after InfoVaticana published a report on July 30. 

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) containing the rubrics for the Novus Ordo states that Mass should be held “in a church or, if there is no church or if it is too small, then in another respectable place that is nonetheless worthy of so great a mystery.”

For the congregation’s positioning, the GIRM notes that they “should be arranged with appropriate care so that they are able to participate in the sacred celebrations, duly following them with their eyes and their attention.”

The Salesian summer camp for which Moreno was the chaplain appears to have been mostly based around water sports, with Moreno’s numerous photos and videos documenting that camp participants spent the majority of time in swimwear, such as shorts and bikinis.

Posting a short video to his Facebook page that showed the camp members dancing in their swimwear to pop music, Moreno commented “And after the training day in the morning and a splendid afternoon, it’s time to celebrate the night with Salesian joy giving it all. Don Bosco already said it: Love what they love so that they love what we love.”

The event was held in the Diocese of Asidonia-Jerez, led by Bishop José Rico Pavés, an auxiliary bishop until moved to the diocese in 2021. LifeSite has contacted both him and the superiors of the Salesian provinces of Spain asking about the matter. This report will be updated upon receipt of a response.

The fact that Moreno has swiftly deleted the images of the Mass suggests that he, at the very least, has become aware of the attention he is drawing.

However, InfoVaticana reported that Moreno has a history of controversy, making headlines in 2020 for “doing magic tricks [in] a Mass with the students of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario school in Rota.”

End of article...

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters, and for their conversion to the Catholic faith...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

The "Canonization" Of Biden By Some Media Types That Call Themselves "Catholic"!!!

 Well, you're not going to believe this one...

Because "president" Biden voluntarily -- no, he was forced!! -- to step down from his tyrannical throne in the Oval Office, there are certain "Catholic" entities that have started the process of canonization!!

(Remember when Elvis died, there were knuckleheads that wanted the post conciliar church to declare him a "saint"?)

As Biden would say: No joke, I'm not kidding...

Now it appears that those bastions of Catholic orthodoxy such as the un-Catholic rags, the National Catholic Reporter and America Magazine, have begun the process extoling the virtues of faith, family and country of -- the apostate, heretic, and traitor to his country -- Joseph Biden!!!

Can you believe it??

As an aside, many years ago, the U.S. bishops told the NCR to stop using the august handle of "Catholic" in their title, but, as arch heretics are used to doing, they completely ignore such directives -- because they are heretics, not Catholic!! 

I have two pieces of information that chronicles this lunacy, one is from returntotradition.org, by Anthony Stine: Catholic Media Has CANONIZED JOE BIDEN (youtube.com), and the other is an article from the NCR: A consequential president who never gave up on his faith, family or country | National Catholic Reporter (ncronline.org) and written by Paul V. Garrity...

To get a good handle on this madness, I suggest you listen to the video of Anthony Stine first, then follow up with the NCR article...

 "Hagiography is technically the biography of a saint. They can only be written after the person has entered eternal life. Candidates for hagiography are outstanding people who have led exemplary lives, accomplished spectacular things and overcome the egotistical temptations of the human condition. President Joe Biden may very well be a candidate for hagiography some time in the future.

As the second Catholic to become president of the United States, Biden faced far more challenges about his Catholicism than President John F. Kennedy. All JFK had to do was convince Southern Baptists that he was not going to take orders from the pope.

Biden had to withstand withering criticism from some of the Catholic faithful who were convinced that they had God's ear and Joe did not. In Christlike fashion, he never returned their volleys, kept his head down and continued to nourish his Catholic faith at Sunday Mass.

This week, Biden made the historic decision to withdraw his candidacy for a second term in the White House. Presidential historians have described his decision as one of self-sacrifice and altruism. Because presidents live in the fishbowl of modern media, there is no secret about the multiple reasons that may have brought him to this moment.

The bottom line is that he has made a decision that put his ego in second place behind everything else.

In 1972, newly elected Sen. Joe Biden lost his wife and new baby in an automobile accident. His initial inclination was to resign his elected office. Friends and confidants persuaded him to at least try to be both a father and a senator at the same time. 

When he took the oath of office, he famously said that he would surrender his office if his duties as a parent overwhelmed his ability to be an effective senator. With insightful humility, he said that his constituents could get a new senator, but his kids could not get a new father.

The process of creating legislation has often been compared to making sausage. While we may enjoy eating the final product, we may not be so enamored of the process that brings it about.

Hopefully everyone who becomes a legislator at whatever level of government is motivated by a desire to serve the common good. Beyond this, compromise can be an elusive goal because reasonable people differ on the ways in which the common good can be achieved. This is where Biden, both as a U.S. senator and commander in chief, was so successful. Despite a divided country and a hyperpartisan Congress, Biden has had significant accomplishments over the past several years.

When he retires from public life in January, he will leave behind more than 50 years of public service and a legacy of legislative achievements on a par with Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Saints are never perfect people. St. Peter denied Christ but went on to be the leader of the fledgling movement we call Christianity today. Biden probably had many things in his life that he would like to do over. If we are truthful with ourselves, we know the same is true for us all.

Saints are not perfect but learn from their mistakes, are tested by adversity in life but never waver from the values that make up their core. Biden's continual call for unity, his care for the poor, the environment and true peace in our fractured world make him an example of what public service ought to be.

History will treat Biden well. When he came into office in 2021, the economy was suffering from COVID-19, people were still dying, and the pandemic had disrupted the world so severely that its implications were being felt everywhere. He engineered an almost $2 trillion aid package that nearly halved child poverty, halted evictions, and helped create jobs that brought hope and prosperity to millions. All his other accomplishments are too numerous to list.

What history will record most of all, however, is the character of a man who faced personal tragedy on multiple occasions, who endured unjust criticism from unlikely places but never gave up on his faith, his family and his country. "

End of article...

Were you able to keep your food down??

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Treasonous "Catholic" Charities Caught Red-Handed -- AGAIN! -- Undermining Our Sovereignty And "Stealing" Taxpayer Monies!

 Once again, a "Catholic" organization betrays our country and "steals" taxpayer monies in order to further the corrupt "blue" polices destroying their own citizens and taxing them to death!

That much touted organization is none other than "Catholic" Charities -- again, caught red-handed collaborating with the Red Socialist thugs who hate a free America, want to make you "happy" owning nothing and beholding to the government teat for your very existence...

Bottom line: keep your fiat currency in your wallet and don't be scammed by a false sense of "compassion" and "charity"... 

I'll post a detailed analysis of these collaborators from thegatewaypundit.com and written by Paul Drabik.

Catholic Charities and Obama Foundation Affiliate Colluding with City of Chicago on Replacement Migration | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

"A recent Gateway Pundit article elaborated on a FOIA made by Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines podcast regarding Catholic Charities role in the illegal immigration crisis plaguing the City of Chicago.

Further efforts have unearthed a trove of 213 email documents detailing the collaborative efforts of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, Exelon Energy company, New Life Centers – an Obama Foundation affiliate – and Catholic Charities in prioritizing the “resettlement” of illegal immigrants over the needs of American citizens.

Upon further examination of the  FOIA emails there is a collaborative effort amongst multiple organizations including Mayor Andy Schor of Lansing, Michigan to “resettle” illegal immigrants in the sanctuary City of Chicago.

As previously reported, Gateway Pundit noted that the Illinois taxpayer is on the hook for an additional $1B  in 2024. One of the largest allocations of that funding is earmarked to care for illegal immigrants.

This particular FOIA trove of emails reveals a reporting cadence from Catholic Charities in partnership with New Life Centers (Obama Foundation Affiliate) to report on the resettlement of illegal immigrants between the timeframe of December 2022 and March 2024. In the below chart Catholic Charities reports on having helped “resettle” over 15,200 “new arrivals” during that time.

The email chain centers  around reporting from both Catholic Charities and New Life Centers. However, there are frequent conversations regarding the particular efforts involved in the resettlement program.

For example, there is an email exchange between a ComEd (Exelon Corporation) employee discussing the percentage of customers making full payments, partial payments, and no payments. Kirstin Chernawsky, Associate Secretary Early Childhood Family & Community, of the Illinois Department of Human Services responds in kind suggesting a one page flier alerting migrants of what to do should they receive a late payment notice.

The absurdity of the situation is highlighted in the email below where the Catholic Charities VP is notifying the ComEd official as to who is included in the collaborative effort. Note the titles of officials on the email chain include Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights, First Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights, Chief Philanthropy Officer, and of course we cannot forget the Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mayor’s Office of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights.

A quick analysis of the City of Chicago employee database reveals that these four employees together enjoy a collective annual salary of $665K. These positions and their titles would only begin to shed light on the colossal tax increases that Illinoisans and Chicagoans alike have continued to experience in recent years.

In another disturbing excerpt, a Catholic Charities report updates the collaborative group that a pilot program has been created to divert victims of domestic violence to another location. In a previous Gateway Pundit article the problem of crime including an abundance of domestic violence was uncovered through a FOIA made by Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines.

In that article just one of the locations housing illegals was found to have had over 200 pages of incident responses by Chicago PD. Many of these incidents included domestic violence and abuse of children.

While the project management of multiple entities appears to be streamlined and well organized there is a mysterious lack of concern over any cost involved. In the below graphic New Life Centers boasts of providing 55 apartments per day, 275 per week, and 1100 per month.

Another slide cites free groceries for 7,000 families a month. As Milton Friedman once said, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Someone else – the American taxpayer – is always picking up the tab.

A charitable reading of this FOIA email trove would suggest that the people involved appear to have good intentions. They are trying to help people. However, the reality of mass, unchecked, migration tells a different story entirely. As Gateway Pundit has previously reported, this phenomenon also imports increased cost and crime that would not exist in an otherwise secure and legal immigration program.

America has paid, and will continue to pay the price of inflation, increased tax burden, increased crime, increased terror threat, loss of jobs, increased homelessness, and lack of available healthcare. It could be argued that this entire effort is a leftist policy prescription to combat the  concerning problem of a sustained increase in the decline of birth rates according to the CDC.

Leftist pundits will continue to gaslight the American public suggesting that “Replacement Migration,” is a conspiracy theory pushed by right wing racist bigots. Of course, this talk track ignores a dispassionate analysis performed by the United Nations in 2000 regarding the concern over population decline and aging populations titled: Replacement Migration. The study is readily available on their website here.

A wise philosopher once said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” As shown in the FOIA documents, a widespread effort to support AND fund illegal immigration into the sanctuary City of Chicago has been underway during the Biden administration.

This program facilitates the “resettlement” of largely unchecked and unvetted illegal immigrants in a mass social engineering effort that is likely to increase – at a mass scale – the welfare state. As a result, government will grow exponentially along with the taxpayer burden.

Meanwhile, American citizens are dying from Fentanyl, homeless are going hungry, Veterans are lacking the healthcare they need, citizens are being victimized by illegals, women and children are being trafficked across an open border, and the nation is less safe while known terrorists are entering the country with impunity. Having good intentions does not change the reality that the people in these emails are contributing to a worldwide crisis of crimes against humanity."

End of article...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Real Boss Of Congress Comes To Town!

 Can you guess who that is??

Why, it is none other than that genocidal maniac:  Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu!!

Here is an article from lewrockwell.com and written by The Real Boss of Congress Comes to Town - LewRockwell

"New York – According to Britain’s esteemed medical journal, The Lancet, 186,000 Palestinian adults and children have so far been killed or died of disease in Gaza. Nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed on the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 10,000 Palestinians languish in Israeli prisons.

The official Arab death toll to date is 39,670, including more than 15,000 children.  Close to 80,000 Palestinians have been wounded.

Israel says 1,139 Israelis were killed.  Half of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed by constant shelling, bombing and tank fire. Polio has just broken out in Gaza and the UN repots mass starvation there.  Animals in Gaza – mainly horses and donkeys – have suffered terribly.

This is not a `war,’ as the media calls it. It’s an ongoing massacre, shooting fish in a barrel.

The two men who made possible this huge massacre, Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu and outgoing US President Joe Biden, met this week in Washington to talk about their ‘success’ in Gaza.  Many members of US Congress applauded Netanyahu like trained seals.

Meanwhile, the US shipped thousands more 500lb and 2,000lb bombs and 105mm tank shells to Israel in violation of America’s own arms export laws.  The arrest warrant issued against Netanyahu by the International Court of Justice was ignored by the US, which refuses to recognize the world court.  And for good reason.  Former President George W. Bush who committed a massive war crime in the trumped-up war against Iraq would have been arrested and put on trial.  Add Biden and Tony Blair to this list of malefactors.

The US atomic bomb that destroyed the Japanese city of Nagasaki killed an estimated 40,000. That puts the current death and wounded toll in Gaza within the range of Nagasaki – just at a slower pace.  The number of dead and wounded at Hiroshima was around 70,000. Mass sickness and starvation ensued – as it is today in Gaza.

Many misinformed Americans and supporters of Israel still applaud Biden.  They are wrong. He has blackened America’s name and disgraced the nation with its role in the Gaza massacre and made a mockery of the UN.

At least presidential candidate Kamala Harris has done the right thing by calling for the creation of a Palestinian state.  She is already under fire from Israel’s extreme right-wing parties. They are obsessed by the potent Palestinian birth rate.  Inside Israel, they talk about ways to slow down the Arab birth rate in the West Bank and Gaza.  2,000 bombs are an effective way.

Many Americans know nothing of this genocide.  Their very biased news networks show little of the horrors of Gaza.  The only network that does effective reporting from Gaza is Al-Jazeera. I expect it will soon be banned ‘for supporting terrorism.’  The next target of the far right will be social media.  Young Americans who watch internet news are demonstrating across the country precisely because they have more access to real news than older Americans who watch the heavily censored biased major networks.

At the base of American politics vast sums of money remain the dominant factor.  Half of the money flowing to the Biden administration has reportedly come from pro-Israel Democratic sources.  Wall Street remains the giant cash cow for pro-Israel forces.  Donald Trump is being given $100 million alone by the billionaire Israeli-American widow of Las Vegas gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson.  That will buy an awful lot of the small-town used car salesmen who make up our corrupt Congress."

The Very Dangerous And EXTREME "Vice President" Kamala Harris: Would ‘Eliminate Religious Freedom,’ Has ‘Extreme’ Anti-Catholic Agenda: Catholic Leaders

 I'm going to post an article by Matt  Lamb of lifesitenews.com...

Here is the sub-heading of the article: Kamala Harris, who was ranked the most liberal senator in the US, has an ‘extremist’ pro-abortion, pro-LGBT record and would likely ‘persecute’ Catholics, as the Biden-Harris administration has already done, Michael Hichborn and other Catholics leaders warned.

Kamala Harris would ‘eliminate religious freedom,’ has ‘extreme’ anti-Catholic agenda: Catholic leaders - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Read and heed this critique of this foul, wicked female anti-Christ.  Then try to figure out why more than a few "Catholics" will vote for this baby killer...

"(LifeSiteNews) — A Kamala Harris presidency would be a threat to the religious freedoms of Catholics and the lives of preborn babies, Catholics leaders are warning.

Vice President Harris is currently the Democratic Party’s choice to run for president in 2024. Barring any last-minute changes, the Democrats will formally nominate her in the first week of August.

Her record of opposing Catholics and Catholic values is raising concerns.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has aggressively and selectively enforced the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act), including targeting peaceful pro-life fathers like Mark Houck.

READ: Elderly pro-lifer Jean Marshall sentenced to 24 months, denied home confinement despite health issues

The same DOJ also put out a memo through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that baselessly accused Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass of “extremism.” The FBI has even spied on Latin Mass churches under the Biden-Harris administration.

Similarly, Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland and the DOJ released a memo suggesting that concerned parents and advocates who opposed racial identity politics and sexual ideology in the classroom were akin to domestic terrorists.

The Biden-Harris administration also tried to force hospitals and doctors, including Catholic ones, to facilitate the surgical and genital mutilation of gender-confused individuals and to commit abortions.

READ: Kamala Harris says she will sign law forcing abortion-on-demand nationwide if elected president

But apart from that, Harris also has a record of targeting pro-lifers and Catholics. For example, as attorney general of California, she targeted Catholic pro-life journalist David Daleiden after he released videos that showed Planned Parenthood executives casually discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts. She also supported a bill, later thrown out by the Supreme Court, that would force pro-life pregnancy centers to tell women where they can obtain abortions.

As a U.S. senator, she criticized a judicial nominee and member of the Knights of Columbus, attacking the organization because its leadership, like the Catholic Church, opposes abortion and so-called homosexual “marriage.” She also was once ranked the most liberal senator in the U.S. Harris opposes the right of religious companies, such as Hobby Lobby, to opt out of providing abortifacient birth control.

Harris is an “unrepentant apologist for abortion,” according to Reagan Barklage, the national field director of Students for Life of America and a Catholic herself.

READ: Kamala Harris becomes first vice president to visit Planned Parenthood facility in pro-abortion tour

The vice president would need to completely change her ways in order to reassure Catholics, according to Barklage.

“A Kamala Harris presidency is an abortion extremism presidency that puts thousands of preborn lives at risk,” Barklage told LifeSiteNews in an emailed statement. “She is an unrepentant apologist for abortion, as she can’t name a single abortion she wouldn’t support.”

“Unless she does a complete 180 on her stance, which means losing the allegiance of her radical abortion base, true Catholics who uphold the sanctity of all human life have a vested interest in voting against her if she becomes the Democrat nominee,” Barklage said.

Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute shared a similar assessment with LifeSiteNews in a media statement.

READ: Kamala Harris’ refusal to condemn late-term abortion shows how extreme Democrats are

“Harris’ entire disposition is directed in complete contravention with the Catholic Church,” Hichborn said via email. “By holding membership in the Knights of Columbus as a litmus test for one’s judicial qualifications, Harris may as well dismiss anyone claiming to be a faithful Catholic.”

“For Harris to show that she holds no animosity toward Catholics, Christians, or even social conservatives, Harris would have to denounce the majority of her political career and completely reject and apologize for her bigoted comments,” he said.

But this would mean the vice president would need to “completely abandon her radical agenda against human life, the nuclear family, and religious freedom.”

“Harris is on record with a willingness to persecute pro-lifers and anyone who opposes LGBT ideologies,” Hichborn warned. “Taking her agenda to its logical conclusion, Harris’ America would not just eliminate religious freedom, but all freedom, making citizens into automatons to do the bidding of the state.”

READ: Kamala Harris is a sexual revolution radical, whether it be on abortion or the LGBT agenda

American Life League’s president agreed.

“As someone who has watched Harris over the years, including her legal attempt to crush David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress, I can say from firsthand experience that Harris detests truth, beginning of course with Christ and His Word, not to mention her revilement at preborn babies and their defenders,” American Life League president Judy Brown told LifeSiteNews in a media statement.

“Harris has never stood for morality, ethics or truth.”'


Drag queen hosted by Kamala Harris accused of sexually assaulting five people

Biden admin submits rule to force all public schools to embrace LGBT ‘identities’

End of article...

Remember, B. Husein Obama received over 50 percent of the "Catholic" vote, not once, but twice.  This insanity clearly demonstrates the "great" apostacy that has swept the novus ordo church!

Also, the real Catholic Church teaches that anyone -- anyone! -- who votes for such miscreants is automatically ex-communicated from the Church, and, if unrepentant, will damn themselves to hell for all eternity!  In other words, the overwhelming majority of poor souls die in their sins...

Pray for the defeat of this vile female -- and for her conversion!   Pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla  

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...