Monday, July 15, 2024

Something Smells Very Fishy...

 First, I want to clarify something I wrote in my previous article: 

Was President Trump's Life Saved By DIVINE INTERVENTION??

"There is, presently, an interview of a gentleman who witnessed the bad guy (who is now in hell) climbing on a nearby roof..."

Neither I nor anyone can say that such and such is "now in hell"...

That is a subjective determination made by our good God, not me.

I was writing from a purely objective point of view, knowing that most people die in their sins.

Plus, I was angry...

Further, I'm sure that the shooter's family and the innocent father and husband who died protecting his daughter from the gunfire -- are in dire mental and spiritual trauma right now, so it wouldn't hurt to say an Ave Maria for them, too...

I wanted to clear that up before I continue to cover this horrendous, still-developing, tragic story.


As more information continues to pour out from many sources, both from the liberal, Marxist media to the more alternative and "conservative" media, it now appears that there is hard -- very hard! -- evidence showing that there was a dismal failure -- on many levels -- on the part of those entities that are supposed to provide protection to our political leaders, especially for a former president running for the highest office in the land. 

There are now many eyewitnesses coming forward -- with actual camera/video proof showing the bad guy crawling on a nearby roof, with a rifle!

I could see the assailant myself!


Add to this craziness, a police officer climbed up to the roof and confronted the shooter but was "forced" back down to the ground!


I will imbed a video (about 30 minutes in length) that shows so much, it is hard to comprehend that the shooting was "allowed" -- or able -- to take place...

As an aside, one thing I wonder about, was the now-deceased shooter on some type of psychotropic drug?   

(Here is the definition: any drug that affects behavior, mood, thoughts, or perception. This can include medications for anxiety and depression as well as antipsychotics, among others. It’s an umbrella term for a lot of different drugs, including prescription drugs and commonly misused drugs.)

History proves that many shooters have been on some type of mind-altering drug/medication, and, if you use the above definition, it seems very plausible that this can lead to mental instability -- and much worse.

The question then begs why Big Pharma isn't held accountable for peddling so many toxic chemicals in the form of medications, is beyond me...


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This tragic story is ongoing... Stay tuned...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for President Trump's protection and conversion!

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla 

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