Wednesday, July 24, 2024

FORMAL Heretic "Priest," James Martin Pro-LGBT Fundraiser Hosted By ‘Married’ Homosexuals!

 Why is this anti-Christ, anti-Natural Law character not ex-communicated???

A very naive question I know...

In fact, he enjoys a very intimate relationship with the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and has private audiences with him on a regular basis, while, at the same time, Bergoglio sanctions, cancels and "ex-communicates" good bishops and priests for upholding the unchanging truths of the Catholic faith. 

No surprise here, as the corrupt St. Gallen Mafia and the current crop of novus ordo hierarchs are in league with the devil -- in some cases, literally!

Want more proof?  Here it is from and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Father James Martin's pro-LGBT fundraiser hosted by 'married' homosexuals - LifeSite (

I'll now post the entire article here: "(LifeSiteNews) –– Father James Martin S.J.’s pro-LGBT group had its recent fundraiser hosted by two “married” homosexual men in a seemingly recurring event. 

In a social media post, the prolific LGBT advocate and Jesuit priest revealed details of the latest fundraiser for his pro-LGBT group, Outreach. “Thanks again to Brian Stevens and Alex Capecelatro for hosting a fundraising dinner for Outreach at their beautiful home in Provincetown, Mass,” Martin wrote.

Some days later, Outreach also posted on its social media channels about the fundraiser. “Outreach thanks Brian Stevens and Alex Capecelatro for organizing and hosting a fundraiser at their home in Provincetown, Mass., last week,” the message read.

Stevens and Capecelatro “married” in May 2023, and have been “together” for 11 years, with their homosexual lifestyle an active and public aspect of their lives. The pair live together and have become firm supporters and friends of Martin’s LGBT activism.

Outreach’s social media post continued by highlighting the importance of such fundraisers for the continued LGBT activism that it performs:

Our ministry of building community with LGBTQ Catholics is made possible by the generous contributions of our friends and benefactors, whose dedication to this ministry of welcome inspires us every day. 

Please consider giving to Outreach so we can continue making the church more inclusive for all LGBTQ people. No gift is too large or small. Thank you!

Martin’s LGBT work appears to have brought him closer to Stevens and Capecelatro, with the July fundraiser being the second such event this year that the pair have hosted.

In February, Martin joined with other Outreach supporters at Stevens’ and Capecelatro’s house in Los Angeles. According to the statement from Outreach, Martin spoke about the Synod on Synodality at the meal – an event at which he was a papally invited participant and at which he championed the cause of LGBT promotion in the Church.

Outreach itself operates “under the auspices of America Media,” which oversees the far-left, Jesuit-run America Magazine. The group is the brainchild of Martin and his past pro-LGBT activities, as it aims to become a global resource center “where church leaders, both clergy and lay, can encounter the LGBTQ faithful, in their ‘joys and hopes’ and ‘griefs and anxieties’ as well as engage in respectful dialogue.”

Outreach has received signal support from Pope Francis in its young existence, with Francis sending letters of support to the group via Martin on the occasions of its annual conferences. 

READ: Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

Martin, himself a controversial figure throughout much of the Church in America, is a favored personality at the Vatican, being regularly received in private audience by the Pope. 

After the December publication of Fiducia Supplicans, Martin became the first priest to publicly confirm he would offer “blessings” of homosexual “couples,” and he then did on December 19.

The Catholic Church teaches that the homosexual inclination is a “an objective disorder” and “a disordered sexual inclination which is essentially self-indulgent.”

The Church also condemns the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle or activities. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s (CDF) 1975 document Persona Humana warns how “there can be no true promotion of man’s dignity unless the essential order of his nature is respected.”

Notwithstanding this, Martin’s LGBT activism has consisted in regular promotion of ideologies and lifestyles that contradict and reject Catholic morality. 

His record also includes promoting images drawn from a series of blasphemous works by homosexual artist Douglas Blanchard and describing viewing God as male as “damaging.” Martin has additionally promoted homosexual unions and called for openly homosexual individuals to kiss during the sign of peace at the Novus Ordo Mass.

The Jesuit has also criticized Church teaching that homosexuality is “disordered,” suggested that Catholic doctrine on homosexuality is not “authoritative,” and cast doubt on the biblical condemnation of sodomy."

End of article...

Remember, it was Martin who said the Saint Paul got it wrong, rejected his -- and the Bible's teaching on the sodomites!!

Pray for the defeat of his disgusting agenda, for his conversion to the Catholic faith -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr.  Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 

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