Friday, July 26, 2024

Will You Believe Your Own Eyes?? If YOU Have A Tin Foil Hat, You Better Get It Ready For These Videos!!!

 Did you know that the CIA has a department that does nothing but create disguises such as masks that are so "real" it can make you question -- or not question! -- what you are seeing with your own eyes and perception as to what you are looking at?

I'm going to digress a bit here, but only to make a point...

Most of us have heard or seen the Manchurian Candidate movie or have used the phrase "Manchurian Candidate" and applied it to something or someone that seems unreal or just plain stupid in their words or actions, in attempt to get us to believe X, Y, or Z, etc...

Most of us have also heard of the experimental program MK-ULTRA, that was run by that very same CIA I mentioned above...

What was that, exactly?

MK-ULTRA was a diabolical program that used drugs of various sorts and injected those drugs, not only on volunteers, but also on unsuspecting innocents to get their respective reactions to those drugs.

In addition, one of the aims of MK-ULTRA was -- you guessed it -- mind control, hence the "Manchurian Candidate" handle, and the real possibility of that "candidate" carrying out some demonic plot such as infiltration, and/or assassination.

I might add that some -- or many? -- of those veterans -- yes, veterans! -- were black Americans! 

Remember, the majority of that heinous program was in the 1950s and 1960s when the black civil rights movement was in full swing...

That leads me to believe that racism and bigotry were "alive and well" and used by the now-acknowledged, rogue CIA, to experiment on American patriots regardless of the consequences.

Supposedly, MK-ULTRA has been sent to the graveyard... But I wonder...

Now, let me get back to: Will You Believe Your Own Eyes??

I'm going to post two videos; one is from a financial analyst by the name of Lena Petrova.  You can find her articles here: ▪️Substack -

And here: 🔴 NEW LOW: Fed's $1 TRILLION Loss, US' is $35 Trillion in Debt as Real Estate Crisis Worsens (

Please watch the first 30 seconds or so of the video and see if you believe what you are seeing -- someone other than Joseph Biden walking with his wife just behind him.  Notice too, "his" walk is "normal," and does not have that stiff gait that we always see -- with our own eyes...

This is truly mind blowing!

The next video will show -- precisely -- how masks can fool people, whether in a movie or live, in person!

You judge for yourself...

From Nothing But The News: That Was NOT Joe Biden Last Night in The White House! (

The video is only about 15 minutes in duration but watch closely starting at about minute 6!

The very deep state continues to fool a very gullible American populace into not believing what we are seeing -- with our own eyes!!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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