Wednesday, July 3, 2024

EXPLOSIVE: Cardinal Müller Reveals Senior Vatican Official Thinks No Mass At All Is Better Than The Latin Mass

 Things are now happening at breakneck speed to eradicate once and for all, the Traditional Latin Mass!

Still, it remains to be seen if and when a new illicit document will emanate from the faithless powers that be in the Vatican, to squash the TLM, or restrict the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven to such a degree, that the faithful will either succumb and attend the Protestantized, Judaized new "mass," or man-up and disobey the demons pushing the destruction of the true church of Christ, our Lord, go underground, and back into the catacombs.

Here is one of the newest and most disturbing articles with comments from Cardinal Muller, interviewed by Dr. Maike Hickson on and written by LifeSiteNews staff

"(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of Faith & Reason, John Henry-Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discuss Cardinal Müller’s revelation that a senior Vatican official thinks it’s better to have no Mass at all than the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), Cardinal Burke’s comments on President Joe Biden receiving Communion, Cardinal Zen slamming prominent Catholic YouTuber Michael Lofton, Cardinal Sean O’Malley speaking out against the Vatican displaying Rupnik artwork, and more.

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, in a homily and then an interview with LifeSiteNews reporter Dr. Maike Hickson, revealed details of a conversation he had with a senior representative of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship about the recent Chartres pilgrimage, which had over 20,000 young participants. Müller said he was moved by the fidelity of the young Catholics with whom he was able to celebrate the Holy Mass in the Chartres cathedral.

To which the Vatican representative objected, “This is by no means a cause for joy because Holy Mass was celebrated according to the old Extraordinary Latin rite.” During his homily at an ordination Mass, Müller continued, “Indeed, some see the old rite of Holy Mass as a greater danger to the unity of the Church than the re-interpretation of the Creed, or even the absence of Holy Mass. They interpret the preference for the ancient rite as an expression of a sterile traditionalism.” Cardinal Müller’s comments come amid a rumored ban on the TLM from Rome this month.

Wright noted that even non-traditionalists are speaking out against the potential TLM crackdown. He cited an open appeal to the Vatican published in the British newspaper The Times, calling for the rumored document banning the ancient Roman rite to be rescinded, saying that it would be an immense cultural and aesthetic loss. Some notable names on the list include Princess Michael of Kent, Baroness Monckton, and notable historian A.N. Wilson.

“It’s extraordinary to hear people who are establishment liberals defend the tradition of the Catholic faith when the Vatican is seeking to abolish it,” Wright said.

Westen then played a clip from Müller’s interview with Dr. Hickson, where he offered more details on his conversation with the senior Vatican official. “And he said, ‘More important that they are respecting the ‘new,’ newer form of the Latin rite. If not, they should not come. It’s better that they do not come. Better to have an empty church than a church full of these young people.’”

“Just unbelievable, but that’s where we are in the Church,”  Westen said. “This revelation from Cardinal Müller also of the actual hatred for the Latin Mass in the high echelons of the very dicastery that’s supposed to deal with this. Absolutely stunning!”

A bit later in the program, Fr. Murr emphasized the Vatican official’s hatred for the TLM. “Do you know who else hates the Tridentine Mass? The devil himself. Now, when we have a higher-up in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who says something like this, that it would be better not to have any Mass at all and to have the church empty rather than have the traditional Mass of the ages. Anyone who can say such a thing, I don’t care if he’s a cardinal, an archbishop, I don’t care where or who, that man needs to take some time off to get himself spiritually balanced again.”

Moving on to American politics, the panel discussed Cardinal Raymond Burke’s recent condemnation of President Joe Biden receiving Holy Communion despite his stances on issues like abortion and the transgender agenda, calling it a “sacrilege.” He expressed these views in an interview on the YouTube channel Pints With Aquinas.

“He approaches to receive Holy Communion. This is not possible, because he denies Christ in public ways, and he stubbornly does this and at the same time approaches to receive Christ in Holy Communion. This is a sacrilege, and for his own sake and for the sake of the whole Church, that can’t be permitted.”

Wright reminded viewers that Biden appears to support abortion up until the moment of birth. “To deny him Communion for this obvious sacrilege is simply a matter of cause if one takes Catholic doctrine seriously.”

Fr. Murr agreed with Wright and went further, highlighting how when Biden as well as former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi receive Communion, it is a sacrilege, public scandal, and a mortal sin not to be taken lightly, and the bishops should take firmer action. “I have a hard time still dealing with the idea that our bishops as a whole, as a body, don’t come down on this solidly,” the priest said.

Westen agreed and added that if Catholic clergy had any concern for Biden’s soul, they wouldn’t add to his mortal sin and make him commit sacrilege by allowing him to receive the Holy Eucharist. “Particularly so, for the Pope, in encouraging him, as he has testified. Biden, remember, came back and said so. The pope, we know, did that for Nancy Pelosi, and this shows [a] real lack of concern for the soul of the president.”

For more discussion on Cardinal Müller, Biden, Cardinal Zen’s critique of Michael Lofton, Cardinal O’Malley speaking out against the display of Rupnik artwork, tune in to this week’s episode of Faith & Reason

Faith & Reason is available by video via LSNTV on YouTube, RumbleBanned, and right here on LifeSiteNews. 

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End of post...

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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