Monday, July 22, 2024

It's Time For Me To Don My Tin Foil Hat, Get My Flashlight And Sit In My Favorite Closet -- Again! Get This: There Were At LEAST TWO Shooters Trying To Kill Pres. Trump!!!

 On August 12, 2021, I wrote this: 

Have We All Forgotten The Las Vegas Massacre Of 2017?

I'll post the pertinent information from that article here: "Fast forward to the night of October 1, 2017, and the country music concert that was held in a sprawling parking lot on the Las Vegas Strip...

Beginning around 10:05 p.m., Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire...  After the shooting stopped, nearly 60 people were dead, and hundreds of others were wounded...

(I would suggest, that at this point, it would be a good idea to reach into your closet and get out that tin-foil-hat; sit back with a nice glass of wine, or a Coke, and read the next few lines of this article...)

One of the most dramatic pieces of evidence that was almost completely ignored by "law enforcement," as well as "news" outlets, were some of the audio recordings -- that I heard with my own ears -- as things were happening in real time...

I will report to my readers now, that I have exceptional hearing; always have, even to this very day... I know what I heard...

On one damning recording, I heard additional quick-firing semi-automatic weapons, or a slower version of full-automatic shots being fired from different locations.  As the lunatic in the hotel stopped to reload, I distinctly heard other shots being fired in quick succession from some of those other locations!  In fact, witnesses who reported same, were silenced and, in some cases, threatened if they didn't keep their mouths shut.  

So, what is going on here??  

Was this another group of Americans being sacrificed for more sinister reasons than that which is told to a gullible, and, in some cases, brainwashed populace ?

What happened to those independent investigators and the results of their inquiries?  

Have the families of those killed and wounded given up their quest for justice and the truth of what actually happened on that terrible night?

The grisly scene in that parking lot was too much for some survivors to take and I'm sure that some folks literally lost their minds...

Look, the point that I'm trying to make here, is that there are people and agendas that are almost too evil to even write about.  Those conspirators will do anything to carry out that agenda, regardless of the cost to their fellow citizens, whether the loss of freedoms, or even the loss of life itself."

End of excerpt...

I will now post a video from Nothing But The News (2) FORENSIC PROOF OF 3 SHOOTERS! 3 GUNS! CROOKS WAS THE ... - Black Conservative Patriot Community (

(When you see the "login," just hit that and my username and password should automatically pop in the box.  Then you should be able to open the video.)

Listen closely from about minute 18:30 and forward... 

What you will HEAR is conclusive proof of at least TWO shooters!!

As there were at least TWO shooters at the Las Vagas massacre!

 The 20-year-old Crooks was the fall guy, the patsy, just as Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy, the patsy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy...

Of course, make up your own mind, but please don't discard what you will hear in this video.  

Pray for our country and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla 

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