Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Capitulation To Evil At The GOP Convention! This Is Lunacy!

 I am disheartened.

President Trump just survived an attempt to kill him, and now a prayer to a false god at the convention???

But that's not all... As I wrote: The Troubling GOP Platform... Yes, The "Tent" Is VERY Huge!

It gets worse...

Here is an article from and written by Doug  Mainwaring

GOP surrenders to some of the greatest evils known to man at its convention - LifeSite (

I'll post the entire article in a moment, but first I have to ask: why was this opportunity to emphasize the pro-life, pro-family, pro-God platform of years past abandoned for, what exactly??

The subheading of the article: After decades of fighting against the evils of the sexual revolution, all of the various revolutionary forces converged on the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee to claim victory.

This is nothing short of capitulation, appeasement of those who push some of the vilest and disgusting "lifestyles" in secular society and the turning away from Christ to embrace "diversity" and "inclusion"!

And we know what that means.

I have a reason why all this is happening, but you may not like what I'm going to write here...

That capitulation and appeasement is also imbedded in the novus ordo hierarchy from Bergoglio on down and those perverts and heretics he has appointed in order to carry out his diabolical plan to change, no, make that destroy, what is left of the true church and usher in the man of sin: the anti-Christ.

The errors, heresies, scandal and confusion continue to pile up with each passing day, emanating from the highest authorities in the Vatican!!!

I'm sorry to say the evidence is overwhelming, it simply cannot be denied.

So, as the church goes, so goes society, and we are seeing that in spades...

Here is the full article: "MILWAUKEE (LifeSiteNews) — Monday’s Republican National Committee (RNC) kickoff was different from any other in history. It should’ve been a day marked by thanks for Donald Trump’s escaping an assassin’s bullet and plans for the preservation and promotion of conservative Christian values. Instead, it was marred by the party’s unconditional surrender to some of the greatest evils known to man.

The day included:

  • A prayer to a pagan god;
  • A pro-abortion porn star praising diversity;
  • Homosexual Republicans expressing glee after the GOP stripped all “anti-LGBT language” from its official platform;
  • And perhaps most significantly, the party officially nominated former president Donald J. Trump and running mate Sen. J.D. Vance — both of whom approve abortion to horrifying degrees — as their 2024 candidates.

After decades of fighting against the evils of the sexual revolution, all of the militant revolutionary forces converged on the GOP convention in Milwaukee to claim victory.

“You guys can get mad at me for saying it, but the first day of the convention was totally absurd and a very bad omen of things to come,” Matt Walsh noted on X.

“Trump has never had more momentum or good will and the RNC decided to use that to push a message of diversity and inclusivity rather than using it to advance anything resembling a conservative agenda,” Walsh continued. “I call it as I see it and that’s what I saw.”

Gay Republicans’ victory lap

Log Cabin Republicans, an organization of LGBT-identifying Republicans, claimed that yesterday was a “historic moment” after the GOP published its 2024 platform removing “outdated and out-of-step language opposing marriage equality.”

But doing so glosses over the evils inflicted on our nation after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell legalizing so-called same-sex “marriage” across the land, a decision that has been a disaster for many children. Every conservative homosexual couple in a same-sex “marriage” unwittingly contributes in some way to those evils overtaking our rising generations of kids.

The GOP long ago lost its will to fight to protect the immutable definition of marriage, allowing the woke neo-Marxist LGBT movement to smuggle in the contagion of transgenderism into our nation while welcoming surrogacy, abortion, and the normalization of homosexuality within the party.

The Trumps are playing with fire by allowing pro-homosexual Marxist political power to seep into the Republican Party, putting countless children at risk.

‘Everybody belongs in the conservative movement. But not every idea does.’

No one has summed up the problem that the GOP has created for itself better than Katy Faust, founder of Them Before Us, the nation’s premier children’s rights organization:

“Everybody belongs in the conservative movement. But not every idea does,” Faust wrote in response to the Log Cabin Republicans’ victory lap over the mainstreaming of LGBT issues within the party.

“Conservatism requires defending the reality that children have a right to life” and “children have a right to their mother and father,” Faust declared before delivering a powerful punchline: “Thus, man/woman marriage is the building block of society.”

Log Cabin rejoiced yesterday over the RNC’s denial of that undeniable fundamental truth.

Was it a bad idea to invite a pro-abortion porn star to speak?

One segment of online discussion zeroed in on Amber Rose, a pro-abortion porn star having been offered a platform to speak at the convention.  Walsh thought that was a bad idea, noting that she is currently using her high-profile presence at the RNC to promote her porn business sales.

“I agree with Matt’s disappointment about Amber’s invitation to speak. However, I think Matt is making a mistake expecting a political party to adhere to any moral values in a secular society,” conservative columnist and podcast host Jason Whitlock wrote while responding to Walsh. “The political parties are a reflection of us.”

“American society is controlled by our sex drive, our sexual identity. Sexual liberation is a tool for political control,” said Whitlock, perhaps revealing a long-ago capitulation to the sexual revolution.

“You’re wrong,” conservative commentator Larry Alex Taunton said, correcting Whitlock.

“Even a political party in a secular society must have core moral values,” Taunton said.  “Forget for a moment that she’s an unrepentant whore. She’s an abortion advocate. Platforming her signals we have punted on our central value: the sanctity of life.”

Pagan god proclaimed ‘Our one true God’

Day one of the RNC closed out with a prayer to a god other than Jesus Christ: the genderless god of the Sikh religion that believes in rebirth and karma.

High-profile Republican attorney Harmeet Dhillon took to the podium, covered her head, and chanted the “ardas” prayer to “Waheguru, our one true God” seeking blessing upon and protection for the candidacy of Trump.

“Harmeet Dhillon has done great work. She should be invited on stage to speak about that and to support President Trump,” outspoken conservative commentator Fr. Calvin Robinson said.

“But to invite her to pray to a pagan god, leading those prayers with ‘Dear Waheguru, our one true God’ is entirely inappropriate,” Robinson continued. “What is worse is all the RINOs bowing their heads in prayer.”

“Christ is King,” he proclaimed.

Let’s face it: When it comes to an array of extremely important, foundational social issues, the convention yesterday showed that the GOP is about where the Democratic Party was 15 or 20 years ago — maybe less — and will rapidly catch up if brakes aren’t soon applied.

This begs the question: Is the party of conservatives still in the business of conserving?"

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Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children's rights activist.  He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs.  Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.

End of article...

We are in a real pickle.  Whom and what can we vote for?  Is this election the choice of the lesser of two evils?  Can the principle of "double effect" be invoked here?

At this point, I'm not sure who I will vote for...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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