Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Troubling GOP Platform... Yes, The "Tent" Is VERY Huge!

 We are all glad and relieved that President Trump survived an attempt to end his life here on earth.  And if Divine Intervention was not involved in saving his life, then what was???


I think not...

Now, our attention is focused on what or who failed in providing sufficient protection to our real President.  The fingers are pointing, to what seems to me, to be a cavalier attitude, if not downright incompetence on the part of the Secret Service -- and other law enforcement entities assigned to secure the area of the rally.

There are far too many eyewitnesses -- literally! -- pointing to the shooter crawling on a rooftop, with a rifle, just feet from the onlookers!  

Several witnesses said they tried to warn the local police -- and the SS -- about this malefactor perched on the roof -- providing a clear shot at Pres. Trump, but to no avail!


We know that an innocent rally attendee -- a faithful husband and father -- threw himself over his daughter's body to shield her from rounds fired by the killer.  The brave soul died at the scene and at least two others were seriously wounded.  I don't know their status as of this writing...

After this horrendous incident, Pres. Trump did not let the attack stop his determination to continue his campaign -- almost immediately after his medical treatment, heading off to Milwaukee, WI, to attend the GOP Convention!!

Where does he get the stamina and courage after looking death right smack in the eye??


As the title of my article states: The Troubling GOP Platform... Yes, The "Tent" Is Very Huge!

Why are there problems with the GOP platform?

I'll just list a couple of very important reasons, and those reasons are a gut-punch to those who cherish the pre-born as well as the tenets of the Natural Moral Law...

The traditional pro-life, pro-family platform has been seriously weakened, for one.

Now that the states have the final say about abortion "laws," this has led to various culture of death organizations and activist groups lobbying for petitions and amendments to be placed on their respective ballots for the upcoming election, enshrining the "right" to legally kill the pre-born in their state constitutions!

And I thought that Roe v Wade put an end to that heinous genocide that wiped out over 60,000,000 American girls and boys since the evil, demented decision by the "Supreme Court"?!

And even though Pres. Trump picked J.D. Vance -- a self-professed Catholic -- as his (Vice President) running mate, the crimes of abortion, contraception and IVF will continue to be made available and widespread.  A major flaw in the thinking of Pres. Trump and another reason to continue praying for his conversion!

I truly hope I'm wrong on my assumption...

But that's not all...

That "huge tent" also includes other sins -- and sinners -- that cry to Heaven for vengeance: the sodomites and the alphabet soup people are also welcomed in the GOP.

This would be fine, if they were called to repentance, but that, I'm afraid, is far from the minds of Pres. Trump and V.P. Vance, at least at this point in time...

I can only hope and pray that Vance will have some influence on Pres. Trump down the road to see that the Natural Law is an extension of God's divinely revealed law, such as the Ten Commandments, not the "ten suggestions"...

I almost don't want to post the following, but I think it is important to see what we are dealing with in the GOP platform, and pray for these people to amend their lives and turn to Christ and His true Church...

7:16 p.m. PT

"The next speaker is “Slutwalk” feminist activist, pro-abortion advocate, and self-avowed atheist Amber Rose, who recently came out as a Trump supporter and launched her own crypto memecoin. This is an interesting choice of speaker for the RNC (and has faced some criticism from the party’s base) considering the decision to remove almost all references to the pro-life movement from the party’s platform. But her present at the RNC shows what unifying a country of people with diverse opinions really means.

She addresses the crowd as a mother and stresses that the best chance to give our children a better life is Trump. She says, “The truth is that the media has lied to us about Donald Trump. I know this because for a long time I believed those lies, so I am here to set the record straight.” She explained that her father was the first person she met who supported Trump. To try to prove her father wrong about Trump, she started to research Trump and met his supporters, and that’s how she learned the truth.

“My message to you comes from a humble place. The left told me to hate Trump… when you cut through the lies, you learn the truth. America was better when Trump was president.” She gets a strong cheer from the audience. Who says the GOP doesn’t have a big tent with room for everyone?"

End of my post...

As I have said, we must pray for the conversion of these folks!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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