Monday, July 1, 2024

What's This? Bishop J. Strickland Is Advocating DISOBEYING The Novus Ordo Hierarchy??

 How long do you think it will be before Bishop Strickland is "ex-communicated" for advocating disobeying the novus ordo hierarchy??

Time will tell...

First, the henchmen of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, must get rid of that pain in the ecclesiastical neck, Archbishop Vigano for spouting -- the truth?


If you remember what constitutes the tenets of a just law, as defined by St. Thomas Acquinas and St. Augustine, then are faced with the opposite, making a law unjust, then that unjust "law" automatically becomes null and void, and is not to be obeyed!

If only the hierarchy and those in the secular state would apply the tenets of a just law to their legislation, then our world would, undoubtedly, be a much better place.

Of course, the only real solution to the present chaos we see in the church and in our political goings on, is the establishment of the social reign of Christ as King of Nations and of Souls, with anything less, we fool ourselves into accepting fantasy and lies as reality!

The following article/video should shed some light on the reality of the potential total- or near-total ban of the traditional Latin Mass of the ages, coming, once again, from those very same haters of Tradition and the Mass of the Saints and Martyrs! 

From and written by LifeSiteNews staff

Bishop Strickland: Banning the Latin Mass would be an 'unjust law' many faithful couldn't obey - LifeSite (

(LifeSiteNews) — "On this week’s two-part episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland discusses the narrow path to salvation, awareness of false prophets, and the rumored ban on the Traditional Latin Mass.

Strickland begins the first part of the episode by offering commentary on Matthew 7:6-14, in which Our Lord tells his disciples to “enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction.” Bishop Strickland notes that this part of the reading is the most important for our times.

He describes how St. Faustina’s vision visually represents what Christ describes in this Gospel passage.

“St. Faustina saw this vast crowd of people: happy, walking through the flowers, it’s just beautiful, and everything looked wonderful. And then they fall off the cliff into the pit of hell. She saw another vision of people struggling and walking through this narrow path with brambles and rocks, falling and tripping, and just struggling to crawl through this path. But then they come out on the end of that path, and it opens up into the glorious kingdom of God. That is what Jesus Christ says here,” Strickland said.

He notes that this vision was nothing new; it was simply Our Lord repeating this Gospel reading to a great religious woman. He emphasizes the importance of this reading in our times, as too many voices in the Church preach a different message.

“They’re saying exactly the opposite: The road to heaven is wide. Either everybody gets there or the vast majority of people. It doesn’t matter what Church you belong to; it doesn’t even matter if you really believe in Jesus. It’s just God, in His wonderful mercy, is welcoming us all. Well, that’s not what God’s Son said.”

Strickland circled back to Faustina’s visions and noted how this reality is denied even by those in the highest offices of the Church. “Oh, this isn’t a sin. Anyone can go to Communion; it doesn’t matter whether you are aborting children or promoting the greatest evils.” He says that we should instead listen to the Gospel and what Jesus Christ said about salvation.

Strickland posed the question that if we don’t need to worry about salvation anymore, what’s the Church even for? “There are plenty of goodwill organizations that do great things. You know the Audubon Society, so just join that and join Save the Whales. Forget about [the] Church.”

Strickland reiterated that we must instead believe what Jesus taught us and strive to enter that narrow path of salvation. “We need to be perfect. We can only be perfected by turning from sin, by humbling ourselves, by making reparation for that sin, and making reparations for the sins of the world.”

“Don’t judge others; Christ makes that very clear. But that gets translated in our time to, ‘Don’t make any judgments at all, just let people do whatever they want.’  

Strickland uses the example of a parent or teacher with authority over children who must make judgments about their actions.  

“They have to say, ‘Sally is doing something wrong, and Sally needs to be corrected.’” He emphasizes that this is not judging the person but an action to say, “This is harmful; this needs to be corrected.” 

Strickland next discusses how this Gospel passage is vital for our time because, sadly, there are priests, bishops, and cardinals who are false prophets.  

“It’s being a false prophet to say, ‘The Church is no longer about the salvation of souls.’” 

He underscored that this is not the Church but false prophets, and we need to correct these individuals and call them back to the truth. 

“If we’re living what Christ said then we are living and saying what we need to say, the truth of the Gospel. Yes, it’s challenging, but it’s also fulfilling, and it bears good fruit.” 

Strickland further says that this Gospel reading should serve as a reminder that, unfortunately, in these times, we can’t just trust whatever a priest or bishop says. Instead, “We need to know the Catechism, we need to know Scripture, we need to know the teachings of our Catholic faith, so we can know when a false prophet speaks.” 

Switching gears, show host Terry Barber asked Strickland about next month’s rumored document that will further ban the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). 

He advised listeners to “stay true to Christ and His Church and to resist anything you know isn’t true to Christ and to His Church.”

Strickland believes that should this document eliminate any celebration of the Latin Mass, many will be unable to obey it. “I believe it is an unjust law; people have come to a deeper faith in Jesus Christ and His Church through the Traditional Latin Mass.” 

He went on to say that the term “schismatic” is not appropriate to describe attendees of the TLM. He poses the question, “Who’s separating from Christ here?” 

Strickland advises listeners not to believe it when told they’re being schismatic for being faithful to this ancient liturgy. “The schism, if it comes, is coming from those who are trying to kill the tradition of the Church.”

To hear more from Bishop Strickland, tune in to this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show."

End of article...

(My emphasis -- in red.)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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