Sunday, July 14, 2024

Was President Trump's Life Saved By DIVINE INTERVENTION??

 What else could it have been??

Information and facts are still pouring in from various media sources and law enforcement agencies so we'll have to discern what is real and what is fiction.  But one thing is certain, it appears that Secret Service protection of Pres. Trump was seriously lacking.  

There is, presently, an interview of a gentleman who witnessed the bad guy (who is now in hell) climbing on a nearby roof -- with a rifle, most likely a "small caliber," -- if you want to describe a .223 or a 5.56 (NATO round) "small"...  Because the initial report of a .22 caliber could not have done the damage to Pres. Trump and the poor soul (a man) who was shot and died at the scene and reportedly wounded a woman also...

(I repeat: a .22 caliber could not have done such damage -- at 200 yards!  This I KNOW!)

This gent gave a lengthy interview to a BBC reporter at the scene.  This brave soul -- I say brave, because he might, now, be in jeopardy himself for reporting what he saw! -- pointed out to police and others that the soon-to-be-dead monster was on the roof -- with a rifle! -- very close to his yard -- only about 50 feet away!  But little action was taken!  He continually waved and yelled out to the cops in the area but to no avail!!!!


I'm going to imbed two videos for your consideration, but keep in mind that more information is coming at breakneck speed, so this tragedy will be updated throughout the coming days...

Both videos are from the "Black Conservative Patriot"...

(10) TRUMP ALSO SHOT IN CHEST! ALLEGED SHOOTER KILLED. - Black Conservative Patriot Community (

And this... 

(10) TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT WAS AN INSIDE JOB! - Black Conservative Patriot Community (

Be prepared to witness the horrendous scene and comments from those in the know...

I'll keep this one short, but getting back to the title of my article: Was President Trump's Life Saved By DIVINE INTERVENTION??

I say yes.  

In fact, a Catholic priest gave the invocation just before Pres. Trump started his speech!  

Is there a connection here, was there a blessing of protection here??

I don't know, but what I do know is that there could be a movement of Pres. Trump in the direction of conversion to the Catholic Church!

If that were to eventually happen, such an action would be earth-shaking, not only for the U.S., but also for the entire world!  Am I making too much if this were to happen?  Perhaps, but think about that possibility and the ramifications for all his family members and those Protestants who have prayed over him at various times!  Maybe, just maybe, they too would consider, or at least question why he converted to the one, true Church of our Lord, Jesus Christ!! 

Pres. Trump would be a powerful spokesman and influence for those non-believers to come into the Church!

Pray for our country and for President Trump -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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