Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Caravan, mob, call it what you will...

Anytime now, thousands of illegal migrants will attempt to cross our southern border and enter the United States of America.

This cannot continue to happen.  That's right, continue.  Because "caravans" have been coming across the border almost on a daily basis.

This is nothing new.  I can vouch for that from my personal experience.   You see, back in the late 1970s, up until the mid-80s, I lived in the very southwestern edge of California, between Chula Vista (where I attended Southwestern Community College), Imperial Beach and San Ysidro, prime entry areas for the illegals.  As an aside, Coronado is a short drive along the beach where the Navy Seals train; you can see the skeletons of helicopters they use for some of that special, and very arduous training.  

I used to jog along an area that led up to Brown air field, an elevated mesa that was sparsely populated, but has since been built up as many of the local "bedroom" communities of San Diego have been somewhat overdeveloped -- nothing new for Southern California.

My jogging took me along a farming area where tomatoes and other crops were grown.  In fact, I used to see the crop dusting aircraft spraying those very same tomatoes that folks bought in the supermarkets, probably unaware of the chemicals being used to grow those "perfect" veggies.   One day, while running along one of my favorite routes, the crop duster nearly covered me with a Monsanto concoction of chemicals; I can assure you that I hightailed it out of that place as quick as my big feet could carry me!

But one of the scenes that I witnessed quite often were the illegals sneaking across our border, some with entire families in tow, along with border patrol officers riding horseback as well as driving 4-wheel drive Jeeps in an attempt to stem the tide of those illegals.  But worst of all, were the "coyotes" -- unscrupulous, human smugglers packing people into cars or vans right smack in the open and near housing developments where children would often play.

That was then...

How many millions, yes millions, of illegals have come across our border since that time and before?  I can only guess; some say 11-12 million.  That figure is far too "conservative."  I would venture to say that if you multiply that number by three, you would be much closer to reality, and that's no exaggeration.

This mess is not only the failed past policies of Obama, or even Bush (1 & 2), but goes way back to the 1970's and early 80's when the "progressives" in the House and Senate approved legislation that allowed for far too many loopholes in the immigration bills that became the current laws on the books.   Even Ronald Regan signed some of the worst legislation ever invented by the Left.  These "loopholes" allow for "anchor babies" -- babies born on American soil automatically becoming American citizens, as well as "chain migration" -- relatives of immigrants already in-country coming in simply because they are the relatives of those immigrants!?

And now we see these "caravans" (some are saying they are acting more like mobs) heading up toward the U.S. from several Central American countries, coming through Mexico, with many being men in age from the late teens, on up.  And recently, gunfire erupted from some of those in the "caravan" aimed at Mexican police along the way, as well as setting fire to one of the facilities in one of the southern Mexican states.

At first, President Trump indicated that some in that "caravan" were gang members as well as Middle-Easterners as well as potential terrorists, and other shady characters.  For that, he was roundly castigated as being racist -- how much more racist can he be, as the news media hurls that epithet at our president almost on a daily basis?

It turns out that corroborating evidence has proven him correct in his estimation.  What the media seem to forget, is that the president is counseled by his advisers with confidential as well as classified information that allows him to make important decisions concerning threats to our nation's security.

For far too many years, presidents didn't have the guts to secure our southern borders, and now that Trump is fulfilling his constitutional obligations, he is labeled racist, etc...  The hypocritical irony here is that Obama and Bush, at times, sealed the border when there was a potential, imminent threat to our security, but in time, relaxed that prohibition, allowing the continued flow of illegals into our sovereign nation.

Trump has called up Army troops, and may add more as time and circumstances indicate the necessity of same.  Again, he is being labeled a racist and more...

I truly hope there is no bloodshed as the "caravan" gets to the southern border near San Diego, but we'll see...

Two more things: 1. There is the question of just where all the money is coming from that is financing these thousands of illegals, providing food, water, clothes, medicine, etc.  And 2. The people in these caravans (there are several now) are already illegally -- in Mexico!  With the Mexican authorities unable, or unwilling to take the heat to stop them at their southern border...


Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, October 29, 2018

Why is the American flag being flown at half-mast?

When I went to my local post office to pick up my mail this morning, I noticed that Old Glory was flying at half-mast.  The postmaster happened to be behind the counter, so I asked him why?  He said: because of the shooting in Pittsburg (referring to the terrible killings of nine people at their Synagogue).  

I uttered something unrecognizable under my breath...

But if our Flag is to be lowered to half-mast for nine people killed in a Synagogue, then why isn't the Flag always lowered to half-mast for all the people killed in Chicago -- every week???

This past weekend -- "Halloween weekend" -- 43 -- that's FORTY THREE people were shot and 5 -- that's FIVE were killed outright in Rahm Emmanuel's "windy city"!!

That clown, by the way, will be resigning shortly, thank the good Lord!

Let me repeat: every weekend in Chicago, nearly a dozen people are killed in the streets by the murderous thugs that run drugs and deal in death, many of those killed are "collateral damage" innocents -- as that jerk Nancy Pelosi used that very term recently.  That's right, for anyone that disagrees with the hard-left, liberal agenda, there just might be "collateral damage."  That sounds like a threat to me; how about you?

The violent Left is responsible for the words and actions of the anarchists, spewing their hate and malice toward anyone attempting to "conserve" traditional values, including, first and foremost, the right to life.

So, if the Flag is to be lowered because people are killed, then just keep the Flag lowered all the time until the Demonrat controlled cities return to God-given common sense.  But that might be a chore, since far too many are outright atheists who believe in nothing but themselves, and their "party" and their agenda.

Sound familiar?

Pray for our country -- please!

Gene DeLalla

A HERO in our midst...

Many years ago, I was a prolific blood donor.  I did it for several reasons: 1. to help others survive, and, 2. for vanity's sake.  Yes, I admit it.  I wanted to get to a certain number of donations: 10 gallons.  And I did!  (See, another vainglory admission.)   But I would like to think all that "effort" was for the first reason, as my first donation was in 1966 while in the Air Force Police.

As the short story goes, one of the children of a brother was in St. Jude's Children's research hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.  He had undergone surgery in an attempt to stem the spread of his cancer.  The hospital needed to replace quite a bit of blood that was used for the child, so a bunch of us cops volunteered to be driven down to Memphis -- after a long midnight shift -- still in our combat defense fatigues (without weapons, of course), to do what we could to replenish the used-up, precious blood supply.  I'm sure some of us dozed-off on the long, 70-mile-ride from our base in the northeast corner of Arkansas; a "small" Strategic Air Command (SAC) base a stone's throw from the Missouri border.

I remember that we were treated to a fried chicken dinner in the dinning area; one of the best I ever had!

To be honest, I don't remember the outcome for the little fellow, but I hope that our donation at least helped the hospital somewhat...

Blood donors were advertised as "quiet heroes" back in those days,  I'm pretty sure they still are, and they should be...

But I'm not writing this little story for more of that vainglory, and, no, I'm not the "HERO in our midst".  I'm writing this little anecdote to point out a real hero, a lady friend of ours, who has been diagnosed with stage three cancer in various areas of her body.  This special woman is a devoted and faithful Catholic, wanting nothing more than to live and to be with her family for years to come.  She is, however, resigned to God's will, not hers.  But she also wants to give witness to some of her family members that have fallen-away from their precious faith.

She is hoping that her family members will rally round her, and come to see just how important it is to "keep the faith," and win that special crown promised after a relatively short race on this earth (paraphrasing the apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul).

This lady and my dear wife are very close, I am too, but it seems that women can have a special bond that we men can't fully understand.  I guess that's the way the good Lord made us; a little different here and there!

In conclusion, I would ask all those who may know who I'm talking about, and those "strangers" to pray for, not only this fine lady, but also for some of her immediate and extended family that they might recognize the importance of being earnest in the faith, and without that faith, we (they) will lose the race; that immortal crown...

The great St. Paul, pray for her (and us)…

And pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla


Friday, October 26, 2018

The make-believe "Catholic" Church continues to implode and self-destruct.

Some truths are self-evident; meaning, they cannot be denied or challenged because the data are staring you right in the face.

Such is the case with the make-believe "Catholic" Church: the new "Catholic" Church of the current reigning pope.

I never thought that I would see the day of the unravelling of my dear Catholic Church.  But I must take heart and not fall into the trap of thinking that what we see coming out of Rome, out of the Vatican, is, indeed, the unshakeable, indivisible, divinely founded real Catholic Church of Jesus Christ.

It isn't.

What has happened is occurring because of the turning away of a properly formed intellect and a soul full of divine, supernatural faith.  Without that element plugged into the equation, something will be lacking.  Sure, the men at the top, and even the "lowly" parish priest may wear the Roman collar, but a rotten tree can only produce rotten fruit.  And that tree will eventually die, or be cut down and thrown into the fire, leaving nothing behind for posterity except for its own ashes to be scattered about by the whim of the breeze blowing helter-skelter...

But the question begs: why all this disorientation; confusion?

The answers are becoming more plain with each passing day: an unnatural -- homosexual -- lust, which leads to a perversion of moral values; the turning of the Church into a cause celeb for social issues, e.g.: extreme environmentalism, and the tossing the of its primary mission: the salvation of souls.

When was the last time you heard this pope -- or your local parish priest, for that matter -- preach on the dangers of sin, and the road that leads to hell?

When was the last time you heard your parish priest condemn contraception and abortion?

When was the last time you heard your parish priest tell you that if you committed or participated in any mortal sin, you must go to Confession before you receive Holy Communion?

Can we can then presume that we are "okay" where we are; don't worry, you're fine; you're not going to hell; everyone goes to heaven anyway; just accept Christ as your personal savior; baptize your baby?  No need, let your child choose for himself what to believe, etc., etc., ad nauseam...

But those Catholics who hold the true faith know the truth and the answers to the questions I rhetorically asked...

Nearly 1,600 years ago, there was the Arian heresy.  So widespread was it, that about 85 percent of all the bishops in the world, not to mention the local priests as well, fell into that horrendous error.  There was a heroic, faithful bishop by the name of Athanasius who defied that monstrous heresy, and became known as "Athanasius against the world."  He was excommunicated numerous times by the Arian bishops (that meant nothing), but only he has the august handle of "Saint" in front of his name.  What we see happening today is worse, much worse, in my opinion.

"They" might have the buildings, but we have the Faith.

What we must do: remain faithful to (sacred) tradition (not the tradition of men); seek out faithful priests who perform the Traditional Latin Mass -- stay away, at all costs, from the new order "mass."  Pray the Rosary; be able to discern what is binding on our consciences as opposed to the opinion of the hierarchy; and pray, yes pray for a miracle that the current pope may do God's will, not his own will, or the will of the demon.

And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Scene from my book: Oscar Six hit with B-40 rockets!

There was a sudden blast: flame and shrapnel, wood and sand from the three-foot walls of Oscar Six... Gregg was hit... I was knocked down.  I knew I had wood splinters sticking in my left hand... shrapnel had penetrated the upper right part of my helmet.  I felt something warm flowing down between my right eye and ear, but I had no time to stop firing...

...I could now give Gregg some medical attention.  ...the bandage... was already partially soaked with blood -- my blood... Gregg was moaning in pain..."For the love of God, help me"!  With the small GI flashlight I saw Gregg's right arm was dangling, held in place by his uniform only!  There was blood all over the floor of the tower... rounds continued to pepper...the front wall of the big tower.

Some VC were right under the tower...firing up through the wooden floor...I hastily pushed Gregg into a corner of the tower and fell back, trying to cover my face and head with my arms, fearing a round would soon hit my buttocks, legs or worse...

The VC were obliterated by [machine-gun] Bunker 24...

I grabbed the radio: "Oscar Six, Gregg is down; need the corpsman now!"

...Oscar Six was out of commission. We were weakened and bloody; we were nearly out of ammunition.

After what seemed like another eternity, Chuck and a corpsman reached Oscar Six...

When Chuck and the corpsman pushed open the heavy wooden door to the tower cubicle, they came upon a scene worse than any Friday night, inner-city emergency room.  It was tough just to keep from slipping on the floor, now covered with spent shells and blood from Gregg -- and me.

An urgent call... to the commander of the 173rd Airborne for MASH-type triage units... entered Tuy Hoa air base at the south entrance near Oscar Three... they arrived and relieved me of my task of applying direct pressure to Gregg's nearly severed arm.  I fell back in the corner of the bullet-riddled tower... but soon realized that I too had lost a fair amount of blood...

Gregg was still somewhat conscious and heard Chuck's voice.  As if by instinct, Gregg reached out and grabbed Chuck's hand...

I wanted to see Gregg return home in twenty-seven days... ...the triage personnel and the corpsman struggled to get Gregg down the bullet-holed and tattered ladder... I now felt more at ease knowing that Gregg was now out of this man-made hell.

As I began to think somewhat more clearly, I could hear the distinct sound of a powerful propeller-driven aircraft... circling about two-thousand feet above Oscar Six.  ...It was Puff, the gunship, waiting for orders from commanders on the ground.

Its three, six-thousand-rounds-per-minute Gatling guns... could fill every square foot of ground with a 7.62 full metal jacket, armor-piercing round... bringing death to anything in its path.

End of scene.  Order my book from Amazon: The Battle for Oscar Six.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, October 22, 2018

The First and Second Amendments (of the Bill of Rights); know them!

The First and Second Amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights), know them, exercise them, or lose them.

The upcoming midterm elections will determine just who has the majority of the U.S. House and Senate.  There really is no alternative here, but to vote for the Republicrats and keep the hard-left liberals from gaining control of the Congress (for those who are not aware, "the Congress" refers to both houses, not  just the House of Representatives).

The importance of maintaining the First and Second Amendments cannot be over emphasized; without these two, pivotal foundation building blocks of the Bill of Rights, all the other amendments will crumble and become worthless simply because you will have to keep your mouth shut, as well as fear that you won't be able to defend yourself or your family.  That prospect is unacceptable and downright scary.  In authoritarian, Communist China, you do as you are told; this is the result of a disarmed population.  But this is America, not England, or France, or any of those other countries where it is almost impossible to speak your peace or own a firearm.  I guarantee that is one of the reasons we see so much lunacy in the "news" in those nations regarding the almost non-existent freedom of speech, and rampant lawlessness, especially attacks on women by the so-called "migrants" running roughshod through formally peaceful neighborhoods.  In fact, it is almost impossible for females to walk alone at night for fear of being sexually assaulted.

The politically correct "law enforcement" officers are afraid of their own shadows, and, in many cases, actually blame the victims for being assaulted because of not adhering to Islamic laws regarding dress or language.  In addition, the animals that perpetrate these horrendous acts of assault many times escape prosecution altogether.

I ask: what woman would want to live their daily lives in such fear and intimidation?

But if "law enforcement" can't, or won't do their job, then it is up to the populace to defend themselves, but if it is almost impossible to own a firearm, then what?

In the U.S., just take a look at Chicago: the murder capital of the country, even though they have the most strict gun control laws on the books of any city, including New York!   I guarantee, that if the law abiding citizen were able to own and carry a concealed pistol or revolver, the bad guys would think twice about entering a neighborhood to do their dirty work.

Getting back to the First Amendment... at least here -- for now -- you can say what you want, when you want, where you want.  Of course there are reasonable, common sense restrictions: such as not being able to yell "fire" in a movie theater, unless, of course, there is a fire!  You can still preach on a street corner, or peacefully assemble with your friends to discuss whatever you want, not, however, as the anarchists "antifa" crowds who cover their faces and assault those who disagree with their methods and destroy property, and want to turn America upside-down, to remake our country into their own chaotic image.

Another important aspect of the First Amendment, is that you and I have the freedom of religion: to worship God through our faith, not only in private, but also in public.  And don't let anyone tell you different.  The so-called "separation of church and state" does not now, nor has it ever existed.  A simple reading of the Amendment will clearly show that.  Doubt me?  Then read it.  And that is a prime example of how you can speak out against those who claim there is "separation of church and state," and do it in public!

I think you can also see how the Second Amendment is tied to the First: if you can't defend yourself, then how can you expect to be able to say what you want to say?  Will you be able to live without fear or intimidation, if you're not able to own or carry a firearm?

We cannot depend on law enforcement to prevent a crime against us or our family; that's not their job; their job is to respond to a crime in progress or after it has been committed, but by then, it might be too late.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if the populace is disarmed, then we are vulnerable to become another China, England, France or any other nation that has sunk, or is sinking into becoming a third-world hell-hole, where your freedom of speech will become a distant memory, and your right to bear arms will die on the vine right before your eyes.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, October 19, 2018

Voting in the midterms...

November 6, 2018, is just around the corner.

We must all exercise our franchise and vote in this crucial midterm election cycle.

I for one, will have to hold my nose and vote Republicrat.  The alternative is that the Demonrats will gain the House and Senate.  This cannot happen!

I am fully convinced, from what we have seen, that the hard-left liberals are a violent group intent on turning our once-sovereign country into a completely open society, with diabolical socialism steering the ship of state directly into the fiery pit of hell itself.

Just listen to the opposition, in the form of Pelosi, Waters, and their ilk, and decipher for yourselves that the intellects of these females are under the possession of the demon.  Violence and threats of violence are unheard of since the late 60's, Chicago style.  But now, we have folks just going about their business or pleasure, e.g., taking your wife or family to a restaurant and being harassed or having your life and limb threatened.

If the police and mayors of cities and towns are unable, or more importantly, unwilling to discipline these animals, then what we have seen in the streets is nothing compared to what will happen if the Demonrats gain the majority in the House and Senate. 

This form of anarchy and tyranny must come to a quick end, if not, I see "our side" taking matters into our own hands and defending ourselves if law enforcement won't do their job and arrest these monsters.  Remember, we all have the right to self-defense, under the Natural Law, and to defend other innocents from violence, violence being preached from the housetops by Demonrat politicians and unhinged, un-civil leftists.

Make no mistake, the forces of the evil one are on the rampage, intent on wiping out the last vestige of the rule of law and civility in our great nation.

Again, vote Republicrat, if not, we will all suffer the consequences...

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mary, just another ordinary woman??

Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in a God that created the Earth, the Moon, the stars, the universe, the distant galaxies?
The seas, the mountains, the trees, the animals, our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins; an almost endless list of creations?

Was all this by chance?  By the "big bang"?  By "natural selection"?

Look up at the night sky; what do you see?  The Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, the various constellations that fill the heavens, that guided the ancient mariners safely across the seas to explore new worlds; again, was all this by happenstance?   Or, was (or, is) there an intelligence behind what we see and know who designed all that surrounds us?

Ever see a baby born?  That, in itself, is a miracle.

These awe inspiring things; these sometimes incomprehensible things, force me to believe in an almighty God, not to mention that my faith tells me so.

So, my question is this: if you believe in God, the Creator of the universe, did He (the Father) send His Son (Christ) to earth to redeem His creation -- MANKIND -- so that men and women may again return to Him, safely, and be with Him for all eternity?

And if you do believe that, then another amazing, awe inspiring event took place: one of His creations -- a woman -- named Mary, was conceived by the Holy Ghost (in the Incarnation) and brought forth Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

Another question begs: is Christ also God?  I just answered that question, but do you believe that fact?

If so, then who is this Mary?  Just another woman?  Just a vessel that God "used" to have His Son come into the world?  Did God actually "use" one of His created creatures so He could come to earth and live like other people that He made?

Does a scientist, who creates something, but then becomes that "thing," make any sense?  Would a king want, or desire to become as one of his servants?  Would the founder of Microsoft want, or desire to work in one of his factories on the assembly line?  Wouldn't all these elites want to remain aloof; privileged, and not become as one of their creations?

Makes sense to me...

But here is the rub: the Creator of us all came to us because He loves us, and wanted us to be able to come to Him when our life is through on earth.  He lowered Himself to become one of us!  Not an elitist, but a lover of His own humanity.  He was (is) like us in all things, yet God -- our Creator!!

Very difficult to comprehend.  I don't claim to fully understand it either.  That's why it's called faith...

Back to Mary...

Mary, this woman, His created creature, must be someone special.  (To some, that's an understatement!)

I present this scenario: Would God, the creator of the universe, come to Earth through a woman that was corrupt, as we were born corrupt, until we were baptized?

It wouldn't make any sense...

Mary, then, had to be pure; with no corruption in her body or soul.  A perfect creation for the perfect Baby developing in her womb.  The blood coursing through her veins, coursed through the veins of Christ too.  He took on her DNA!   For nine months He grew in her; then became her Son and our Brother, our Savior!

During the annunciation, the angel announced to Mary: Hail!  Full of grace!

And when she visited her cousin, there was an amazing exclamation from Elizabeth:  “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  And“Whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me.”

Mary was, indeed, special.

Let me ask another question: is it only right and just for us to love our mothers?  The answer is self-evident...

It only makes sense, that if we claim to love Christ, we should also love His Mother.  It also makes sense that if she was so full of grace on earth, and certainly enjoys the beatific vision, now, forever, adoring and praising her Son, that she would be someone we could ask to be our intercessor for help of any kind.  This does not take away anything owed to God, on the contrary, it gives more glory to God!

An earthly example should help to clarify what I just wrote in the above sentence: if a general wins a battle against his enemy, and some of his subordinates excel in heroics on the battlefield, and are awarded medals for bravery, etc., does the attention and medals take away from the glory of the general?  Or, does it add to the glory and praise of the general because he has such heroes in his army?

The answer, again, is self-evident.

Her glory ADDS to His glory!

Mary, an ordinary woman?  I don't think so!

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Has the Catholic Church, "finally", been destroyed?

I write "finally," because I'm sure there are those that would very much like to see that happen..

Sour grapes, to say the least.

But the grapes will remain sour because the Church can never be destroyed!

But what about all those homosexual abuse scandals being uncovered nearly in all parts of the world, you say?

I can't deny it.  It's true.

But what folks fail to realize is that this is not the first time these types of horrendous scandals have plagued and rocked the very foundations of the Church of Christ.

Luther said that the Catholic Church was corrupt, and was not the Church that Christ founded, but an imitation; he was wrong; dead wrong.

He also claimed, in effect, that he "rediscovered" the real Church after it had been hiding somewhere for nearly 1,500 years,

Wrong again...

The arch-heretic failed to recognize the blood of the martyrs that became the seed of the Church.  Did all those men, women and children, who died, with some suffering diabolical tortures because they would not renounce the (Catholic) Faith nor His Church, die in vain?  Even with all the blood that was shed for over 300 years, the Roman Emperors couldn't extinguish the fire of the Faith instilled in them by our Lord and His Apostles.

One more thing about Martin Luther... he failed to note the difference between the nasty, and, yes, corrupt, human element of the Church, and that of the Church itself.  The difference is titanic, and was the downfall of Luther.  Christ, the perfect Head, could not ever be attached to a rotten body.  It makes no sense.  So when Luther rebelled against the Church, he was rebelling against Christ Himself; the Head could not be separated from the Body, nor the Body from the Head.  If it ever was, death of both would ensue.

But I digress...

Back to the present, and the leadership of the Church and their enabling, and, in some cases, endorsing the homosexual subculture that is currently infecting the Church as a gangrenous limb that must be cut off to save the rest of the body from certain death.  This includes those clergy actively engaged in these unnatural acts themselves, attacking adolescents as well as other adults to satisfy their lust for sexual perversion.

Keep in mind that in the late Fourth, and early Fifth Centuries, the Church was hit in the gut with the same types of scandals that we see today.  It is really nothing new.  That is not an excuse, just a fact.

There are, still, today, many good priests and bishops that continue to work for the salvation of souls and the reason for the establishment of the Church in the first place, not "climate change," or the "immigrant" problem.

I say that the uncovering of these scandals are a good thing, for now, at least, the elephant in the room is now in plain sight.  The evil has been exposed.  And good, in the long run, will triumph; we have our Lord's word that the gates of hell will not -- ever -- prevail against her...

That's good enough for me.

Pray for our country, and I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church.

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Is it okay to discriminate? To be judgmental?

Is it okay to discriminate?  To be judgmental?


You and I do it everyday!

Discrimination; judgmentalism; two hot-button words that are misunderstood, and misapplied, especially in today's world.

In fact, if you don't discriminate every day of your life, you can't function!  Along with that, if you are not judgmental, you cannot function!  If anyone doubts this, try it for one, single day, and see what happens.

Am I a "hater" for writing these things?

Yes, to some.  But a little common sense will reveal the truth of what I just wrote.

First, what I'm NOT talking about is discriminating against someone because of their race, or religion, or because they sound different than you or me.  And I'm not talking about being judgmental in the sense of looking into their hearts or souls, instead, what IS necessary to do -- again, on a daily basis -- is to make decisions so we can function.  We discriminate and judge what a person does, or doesn't do, or what he/she says, or, in some instances, what they don't say when they should or must say something.  (Remember, that silence can be viewed as an affirmation of an act, or belief, or the written word.)

We discriminate on the "big things," like choosing who we want to pursue to be our spouse.  How many ladies did we "reject" in our minds before we found the right one?

We discriminate on the "little things" such as what to wear to fit a particular occasion; we reject choosing jeans if we're going to the opera.  We judge jeans to be inappropriate for such a formal outing.

If you or I were walking down Main Street, USA, and suddenly, a guy runs out of a bank with a smoking .45, holding a bag of the bank's money, would you go up to him with a smile on your face and say: have a nice day!   I think not.  Instead, you will make a judgement that he is an outlaw and dangerous to you, your family and the commonweal of society.  You are being judgmental; you have discriminated against the actions of this guy, and you did this for your safety and survival, and for those around you too.

Second, and here is the more, or most important aspect of discriminating and being judgmental: to figure out where to worship God; how to worship God; how to please God, and figuring out which direction you want your life to go in order to travel down the straight and narrow, and avoid the well-lit, four-lane highway that leads to perdition.   A path far too many non-discriminating, non-judgmental folks end up taking that leads to eternal ruin...

As I recently wrote, political correctness is damning, so too if we do not discriminate; if we are not judgmental, then we open ourselves up to following false gods; false ideologies, and errant thinking that can very easily cripple our daily thought processes so necessary to function in society.

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


Monday, October 8, 2018

Beating political correctness...

What's wrong with political correctness anyway?

It is damning, that's what.

Being politically correct means that we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings; we don't want to lower anyone's "self-esteem." So, in other words, we compromise on truth to the point that it is no longer truth.

But the horror occurs when men cease to be men, then the feminists assume the role of patriarch; they become as "men," and UN-feminine; a real disaster.

This is all part of being politically correct: masculinity is emasculated to the point of obfuscating the role appointed to men from their Creator.  Men will then slink into the background for fear of being criticized by the feminist left simply for being men!

Make no mistake: the aim of political correctness is the destruction of manhood and womanhood, and to homogenize their roles into something un-natural.

Think about it: (sorry, feminists) if men don't lead, then females will fill the void and "lead."  What a mess that has produced, with, maybe, a very few exceptions, with St. Joan of Arc coming to mind.

Then there are examples of "leaders" such as Trudeau of Canada who is very much a "woman."  For all practical purposes, he has renounced his manhood and the natural role assigned to him.  His politics are "dirty": his compromises are legion...

This is true of so many males, at least here in the U.S.  But it is apparent that this phenomenon is world-wide, except, perhaps, in certain East European and African countries where they are still fighting to maintain their sovereignty and a real sense of the Natural Law (which dictates the roles of men and women), fighting the politically correct West attempting to impose their radical agenda on their cultural norms and traditions.

So, how can political correctness be beaten down and destroyed, and relegated to the dustbin of history?

The answer is almost too easy: follow the Natural Law (as all humans have it written on their hearts, because we are humans); strive for personal holiness by following the Ten Commandments (they are not the ten suggestions!); be open to learn and know Divinely revealed law, and most importantly, come into the one, true (Catholic) Church founded by our Divine Founder, Jesus Christ.  Without Him, we can do nothing...

And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Fall season -- and the law...

My favorite time of year has arrived: Fall!

Who can argue with Nature's blazing colors, cool, crisp air -- and fallen leaves clogging the rain gutters!

Not me...

New Hampshire, and our sister states here in New England, if not already, will soon be barraged with "leaf peepers" from all over the country, invading our borders by car, plane, tour bus, RVs, you name it, if it can get people here, we'll see them landing at our air ports, or traversing our roads.

Personally, I'll take short day-trips with K to observe the brilliant concoction that Mother Nature has brewed; a real feast for the eyes!

Let's say that we decided to drive along a scenic highway and ended up in a town that we've never been to before.  We get hungry, so we ask where the nearest "family restaurant" is located; we get directions and lo and behold, we find the place, and enjoy a pretty good meal at fairly reasonable prices.

Well, it's time to leave "Happy Town," and continue to devour the breathtaking scenery along the highways and byways, through town and mountain roads...

But just when things were going smashingly well, and we were about to leave Happy Town, we notice flashing red and blue lights in the rear-view; what the heck did I do???  We get pulled over by the local constabulary; he asks to see my driver's license and registration, you know, the usual stuff...

He sees my veteran's plates on my car, and immediately thanks me for my service, then proceeds to call in my bona fides to see if there are any outstanding traffic tickets. etc...

Of course I ask him why I was pulled over; he says to me that I failed to wave goodbye just before we left the city limits of Happy Town...

We were flabbergasted!   I failed to WAVE GOODBYE to the town???

The officer was really nice, though, and explained that Happy Town has an ordinance that plainly states that everyone that leaves Happy Town must wave goodbye!   He said that if I wanted to see the ordinance, he would be "happy" to take us to the town clerk to read it for ourselves...

Could something like that really be "on the books"???


But whether I like it or not, I violated the law.  As it turns out, I realized that ignorance of the law was no excuse.  I couldn't say to the officer: but officer, I didn't know that I had to wave goodbye to Happy Town.  Nope, it wouldn't work.  I was guilty of not obeying that "silly" law.  But guilty nonetheless!

Now, if ignorance of that silly ordinance was no excuse, then what about the Natural Law that we're all born with?   Or, how about Divine law that we must know if we want to get to Heaven?

Are they "silly" too?

The Natural Law tells us that the baby developing in the womb is part of the human race, and deserves to be born, and have the proper liberties and the ability to pursue happiness, just like the rest of us.

The Divine law tells us that we must know, love and serve God in this life, in order to be happy with Him in the next.

If we are "ignorant" of either law, we will still be culpable for not obeying those laws, just as I was culpable for not waving goodbye to Happy Town!

Don't be fooled, and don't let anyone tell you that so long as you are "nice," you too will go to Heaven.  No, there is much more to do if you want to see your Creator when you leave this earth, and enjoy the beatific vision for all eternity!

If anyone has any questions, or wishes to make a comment, I'll be happy to explain the who, what, when, where, how and why of the true way to follow the good Lord...

Believe it or not!!  And be HAPPY!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, October 5, 2018

When did we become human?

The title of this article: When did we become human?  Is monumental, because some folks think that what is developing in the womb isn't.  If not, then what is "it"?  On a more personal level, when you were developing in your mother's womb, what were you, if not human?

Keeping in mind that as you were growing in the womb, some people thought that you were just a mass of cells, and certainly NOT a human being.  What if they were right, and your mother decided to get rid of that "mass of cells"?  What would be wrong with that, if she really thought that?

But remember we're talking about you!

Aren't you glad that your mom realized that you were more than a mass of cells?

But let's go back to the original question: When did we become human?  This is a very important question because there are those that say we only become human when, at a certain point, we become "viable," or when we take our first breath of air -- after we're born!

Then we become human??

If only the pre-born could speak!  I bet they would yell out loud that they wanted to live, and not die a horrible, painful death.


Please pray for our country, and pray for an end to the scourge of abortion.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Truth; lies; can you tell the difference?

It is said that if a lie is told often enough, it is then believed as a truth.

How true that is (no pun intended).

Let us take a quick look at what has been happening to Judge Kavanaugh... His life, reputation, his very family have been under constant attack from the hard-Left liberals on the Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as being trashed in the mainstream media on a daily basis.  There have even been threats against his family -- his wife and two daughters.  This is truly disgusting.  It is non-American in a country that, supposedly, believes in the Constitutional right of free speech, but  more importantly, that one is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.  Judge Kavanaugh, however, has been accused, tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, not by the facts.   Plainly stated, he has been denied his due process.

I cannot emphasize enough just how important due process is, along with habeas corpus. Without these two foundations in law, we might as well just move to Communist China, or some other third-world hell-hole and live out our lives in fear and intimidation, without recourse to the government to redress our grievances.  

And in this country, we have certain organizations that promote real hate speech, yet accuse us of what they do and say.  Admittedly, a very shrewd and effective tactic that is used on those who have been, for all practical purposes, brainwashed, unable to think or research for themselves, and uncover the truth of the matter.

One of those "premiere" organizations is the Southern Poverty Law Center.

If anyone knows anything about these frauds, the only word that accurately describes the title is "Southern," because it is located in the South!

Poverty?  Law Center?

Truly an oxymoron...

This real hate group labels any pro-life, pro-family, veteran, pro-traditional marriage, pro-charity, organization or publication as haters (of what??), and places them on a list that is circulated to various leftist media to besmirch and slander their beliefs and good works.

To show just how powerful these snakes are, several years ago, under the Obama administration, their infamous list of "haters" was transmitted to federal government agencies, and lumped them all into the category of home-grown terrorist organizations!  The dissemination of these data was later called "an error," and was pulled from the shelves, so to speak.  At least that's what we were told.  But the damage was done -- purposely, of course.

This shows just how important it is to search for the truth.  But in order to find that truth, it is imperative to seek out alternative sources of news that will counter the lies and distortions of facts that can and do destroy the innocent.

If we think that this only happens to others, but can't possibly happen to us, think again.

Pray for our country, and pray for discernment to recognize truth from lies.

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Quiz: Name the country...

I'm going to give you the following facts, then I want anyone to name the country or countries that these data are referring to.

Here we go...

1. Hate of white males.
2. confiscation of land; farms, ranches, etc.
3. Fear for one's life via death threats for speaking the truth.
4. Decent people giving up on running for political office because of the toxic environment.
5. Denying of free speech to one's opponent.
6. One political entity screaming "hate speech" while they, themselves, use the most despicable -- real -- hate speech to label the other political entity.
7. Anarchists violently attacking those peacefully marching for their rights, including free speech.
8. Radicals turning on each other, as happened during the French Revolution.
9. Reverse discrimination because of one's color or ethnicity.
10. The media siding with the radicals, smearing any conservatives.
11. Denial of due process...

I'll stop here, but there are many more data that can be listed.

Now, the question again: Name the country where this is happening.

Answer: South Africa.


Let that sink in: the U.S. of A.!

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, October 1, 2018

Are we really "free"?

Now why would I put the word FREE in quotation marks?

I feel that it is necessary because our sense of what being free is can be a contradiction, especially here in the U.S. of A.

How so?

First let's look at the Declaration of Independence, and take from the first paragraph the following: When in the course of human events...We hold these truths to be self-evident... they are endowed  by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the  pursuit of Happiness.

I have to admit, that as a patriotic American, this sounds good and righteous.

But if we have to depend on a majority of citizens to conclude that these are, in fact, our rights, whether those rights are decided at the ballot box, or by a majority of judges appointed for life, we are in big trouble.

Majority rule = Democracy?

If that is the case, then Democracy = mob rule.

If one wishes and desires to follow God in this life, in order to be happy with Him in the next, then being "free" can mean only one thing: abiding by the rules of life as dictated by the Natural Law and Divine Law, which include the two great Commandments: love the Lord they God....and love thy neighbor...

But if being "free" means doing what we want, when we want, with little or no accountability for our actions, so long as we abide by the laws "on the books," then is that really being "free"?  I contend just the opposite is true: the folks that fall into that category are not really free at all, but slaves; slaves to their desires, mostly carnal in nature: It is called concupiscence, and can be deadly to the soul.

Let's harken back to the French Revolution, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man.  It's pretty high-sounding.  But in that declaration is the following (paraphrasing): I can do what I want without any interference or restrictions, so long as I don't infringe on my neighbors rights to do what he wants without any interference or restrictions.

Think about that for a moment...

It's lunacy!

(The good Lord would certainly look with disdain upon us doing whatever we want without Him.  Remember, we are free under the "chains" of charity, which allows us to do whatever we want -- to please God, that is.)  

Our precious rights don't come from majority rule, but are given to us by God.  It is the job of government to protect those rights, not infringe upon them as is being done to us these days by an overreaching, behemoth monstrosity of a centralized power.

And that centralized power tells us (according to man's law and court decisions) that it is okay to take the life of a pre-born American girl or boy; to snuff out that life for the convenience of the woman or the "health" of the mother.  It also tells us that homosexuals can "marry," or that those who think they are one gender one moment, then another gender the next, can use whatever facilities they choose, regardless of what the common sense laws of decency prescribe.  I'm afraid the list is becoming endless...

As we can see, being free can mean different things to different people, but in the long run, there is really only one freedom; freedom from the slavery of sin.  But who talks about that these days???

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...