Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Christian persecution: can it happen here?

Yes, it can happen here, and it already is.  There are many examples of this heinous persecution; in the public square, public schools -- especially including at the college level, on-line and social media, newspapers, magazines, and, sadly, even at various state houses across the land of the free and the home of the brave.  And, believe it or not, some so-called houses of worship that have abandoned the tenets of Christ's teaching, in favor of the modernist manifesto of going along to get along, rejecting perennial doctrine so as not of offend!  A true recipe for spiritual and moral disaster!

You might ask: but I thought Christian persecution is only happening in the Middle East or Africa?  You would be correct to think this, but just look around and see -- and hear -- that political correctness has all but taken control in the form of the "thought police" -- this is outrageously obvious on social media.  And yet, the perverse, the obscene, the malice and hatred for God is also obvious on many of these very same platforms.  Sure, this hatred may not name God as their object; but the attacks are prevalent against those who believe in God; the Natural Law; pro-marriage and pro-life advocates in particular.

Look also at what many politicians are pushing in the form of legislation, or their own comments regarding the wholesale rejection of the Natural Law in favor of all things un-natural.  This can be in the sexual realm, or the complete disregard of the prohibitions given to us in the Ten Commandments, remembering that they are not the "ten suggestions".

At this Christmastime, it is all the more important to stand up for the little Babe that came to redeem us; to save us, while at the same time being cognizant of the threats to our liberty to worship Him the way He wants us to worship Him, and not according to our own whims.

We must take on the breast-plate of faith, hope and charity in the face of what might come down the road, right here in our beloved America, not so much from enemies from without, but more importantly, enemies from within!

We, as a freedom loving people, are going to have to be brave; to sacrifice if necessary, for our families and our rights guaranteed, not by government, but by the Natural Law, with God as its Author.

Pray for strength and pray for discernment, and, as always, pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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