Wednesday, December 5, 2018

New HARD evidence that "9/11" was a set-up!!

See my two previous articles on the "9/11" "attacks"...( and here:

It was announced the other day that new, HARD evidence that explosives were used to bring down the three World Trade Center buildings, that includes WTC-7.  If one opens their eyes, and views the actual take-down of WTC-7, you will see that it was a perfect demolition, with the 47-story skyscraper falling into its own footprint.  Same for the Twin Towers!

If anyone doubts this, all I ask is to look at some videos on you-tube or elsewhere, of demolition companies bringing down buildings that have served their usefulness.  If one does a side-by-side comparison of the fall of the buildings, you will plainly see that WTC-7 was a perfectly performed demolition.  


Now, there is a new 52-page report packed with HARD evidence including the eye-witness reports of first-responders, of seeing and hearing explosions just before, and during the collapse of those massive structures.  Keep in mind, as I pointed out in my previous articles, that the designer of the Twin Towers stated that those buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits and remain standing.

I think it is important to repeat that critical statement from the man who actually designed those buildings: they were built to withstand MULTIPLE JET HITS AND REMAIN STANDING!  

This "new" information is really not new as such, but it will send chills and, I hope, fear, through some of those murderous conspirators responsible for the killing of nearly 3,000 American citizens who were going about their work-day business, only to become unwilling sacrificial lambs to the new world order, sucking away our liberties for the sake of "security".

This explosive (pun intended) information may now be presented to the DOJ, and then to a federal grand jury.  If that actually happens, watch out!   I do hope -- and pray -- that heads will begin to roll right into federal prison, and maybe to the electric chair or the hangman's noose for capital murder of nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens.

I ask all to pray for this to happen, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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