Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas is approaching, and so are perilous times and trials...

Christmastime should fill us with hope and joy, but, admittedly, there is also a sense of unease amid the peril in the political realm as well as in society in general, not only in our beloved America, but also in many nations around the world, notably, Europe and North Africa.

There is, whether one believes it or not, a real anti-Christ agenda that is now being challenged and fought on various levels by those who see their sovereignty being threatened by unvetted illegal immigration -- aliens entering without permission of those in charge of the nations' security.  And, in addition to that mess, there is also a major backlash against what citizens of those countries perceive as a diminishing of their human rights by the uncontrolled elitists.  (Of course, what some forget is that along with the rights granted under the Natural Law -- not government granted rights! -- there comes the responsibility to exercise those rights according to that very same Natural Law!  And if there is proper adherence to the Natural Law, there will be no abuse or violation of the rights of others, and that includes the pre-born.)

I contend that one of the main reasons for so much chaos in the world is the lessening of the sanctity and dignity of human life in general, but especially that of the pre-born.  For how can a nation be righteous in the eyes of God and humanity, if the value of a pre-born baby isn't even on the same level as a dog, remembering that cruelty to animals can very well be a felony, with fines and jail-time for those convicted?

Now, we see riots in France; wars in Yemen, Syria, Libya, still in Iraq, Afghanistan; the list here is almost endless.  This is due in part because we have collectively neglected our duty to our Creator: to know, love and serve Him in this world, in order to be happy with Him in the next.  Translation: we get what we deserve; He will not be mocked...

Christ said that we will always have the poor with us.  But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to ease their suffering in some way, according to our state in life and our abilities and talents, whether through monetary donations or political action to influence those in positions of power to enact legislation that benefits the most vulnerable of society.

But we can't very well be there for someone else, or other nations, however, if we don't get our own act together as individuals and as a country.  Charity, they say, begins at home.  If we want to make a difference in the world let's start with ourselves first -- as we should all strive for personal sanctity with the help of the grace of God, for without Him we can do nothing...

As He comes to us this Christmas, to fill our lives, not with presents under the tree, but with the real gifts of faith, hope, love (charity) and joy, let us all try to give back to Him by helping others, especially His gift of life to us as co-creators.  What a miracle that is!!

I urge all to pray earnestly for our country in these times of uncertainty...

Gene DeLalla

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