Monday, December 17, 2018

Follow-up: family of deceased seven-year-old migrant girl owes money to...

It has now been reported by the grandfather of the seven-year-old migrant girl, who died after she and her father entered the U.S. at a New Mexico check-point, owes money to the coyotes (human smugglers) that helped to transport them through Mexico.

The grandfather, Domingo Caal, says that the family owes a large debt that has to be paid, or else the smugglers will confiscate their meager possessions, leaving them almost completely destitute and homeless, no doubt.

As I previously reported (seven-year-old migrant girl), the Demonrats are using the death of this poor girl to push their open borders agenda thereby destroying what is left of our sovereignty, and allowing who-know-who into our country unvetted.

(I must reiterate that my own father entered the U.S., not long after the turn of the previous century, as in immigrant from Italy, processing through the iconic Ellis Island, New York in 1913.  All such immigrants were vetted, that is, they were checked for diseases, in addition, they had to have a place to live and sponsors to help them assimilate into the American culture, without loosing their own heritage.  This is certainly not the case today, as the estimated at 30-45 MILLION illegal aliens now residing in the U.S. in a "subterranean," shadow society, do not assimilate, but rather continue to speak their foreign tongue.   They do not become American citizens for obvious reasons, and put an enormous strain on welfare and other social services, including education and health-care, in some cases, causing the shutting down of small medical facilities because of lack of monies owed by the illegals.  Remember, the law states that when someone comes into an emergency room, they have to be treated regardless of whether or not they have health insurance.)

I have seen with my own eyes, the coyotes ply their trade in San Diego county (Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, San Ysidro and the Otay Lakes area) loading illegal aliens into their vehicles to transport them to destinations throughout California and beyond. These human smugglers do not do this for free!  In fact, some of the migrant women have been "taken advantage of"... In other instances, the illegals have been found near death in hot, dry desert areas of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.  Some have been rescued by the Border Patrol who do their best to supply water, food and medical care when caught, and sadly, recover bodies of those who died while in the custody of the coyotes, or left to fend for themselves...

Make no mistake, this human tragedy continues as I write this, but the soulless, unconscionable Demonrats care little for the real health and welfare of these illegals, but only to curry their favor to bolster their own cause: to have more voters in the coming elections.  And if anyone thinks that non-citizens don't vote in our elections, I have a bridge for sale...

Nothing will change unless and until there is a real change of heart of these Demonrats, at least we can pray that this will happen, especially this Christmastime.  Miracles do happen!!

Pray for our country too...

Gene DeLalla 

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