Monday, December 31, 2018

Update on Mr. David Knight's heart surgery..

Mr. David Knight's heart surgery was successful!  It was a long and dangerous procedure, but he is now in recovery!!   Thank our good Lord!  I will continue to update his condition.

Why have I asked for prayers for this man?  The answer is simple: there are few journalists that can be trusted these days, that's why.  Most of what we hear and read from the lamestream "news" are outright lies or distortions of the truth, so much so, that the truth is no longer recognizable, that's why.  Because his integrity is beyond question, that's why.  Because he is a Christian (at least he believes in Christ), that's why.

And because the Second great Commandment reads as follows: love thy neighbor, that's why...

Thanks to all who prayed for this man, but please continue to do so...

Gene DeLalla

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