Sunday, December 2, 2018

George H.W. Bush is dead.

The 94-year-old former president died the other day, and since then, the hypocritical media, and even some "conservative" talking heads, along with the Bush haters back in his day, are now in the process of "canonizing" him right before our stupefied eyes!

I should be stunned, but I'm not...

Let us please keep in mind just who this guy was.  Sure, he served honorably during World War II, but then what?

He got us into wars in the tinder-box that is the Middle East, first attacking Saddam Hussein, and kicking him out of some very disputed territories, including portions of Kuwait.  From there, things have gone down hill at a breakneck speed, leading, to, eventually, Afghanistan, with his son, Bush, Jr., supposedly going after the mastermind of "9/11" -- Osama Bin Laden.

Sorry, I don't buy it, and neither should you!  (See my two articles on  "9/11" on my blog.)  I bet most have forgotten that some character "confessed" to being the "mastermind" of "9/11" down in Guantanamo Bay prison after being, shall we say, undergoing some "enhanced interrogation".  I just might "confess" to being the "mastermind" of "9/11" too if I underwent "enhanced interrogation".

And here's one of the most obvious anti-Christ agendas of Bush senior's presidency: he called for a new world order.  Does that scare you?  It should.  Bush junior continued that for another eight disastrous, war mongering years.  Senior was a globalist; Junior was and is a globalist; Trump, on the other hand is attempting to maintain some measure of sovereignty by putting America first; securing our southern borders; cutting business-killing regulations, and sending more money back to the taxpayers.

I express my sympathies for the Bush family, who wouldn't, but the quick "canonization" -- without the required three miracles! -- sounds awfully fishy to me... (A little sarcasm there...)

May God have mercy on his soul...

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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