Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Traitor that is Paul Ryan...

I just wrote an article: Christian Persecution: Can it Happen Here (Christian Persecution), and now, the outgoing Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, is assuring the continuing human disaster that is happening -- right now -- in Yemen.

This "Catholic" recently attached a "rider" to the farm bill that continues the war that the former president, the demon Obama, helped to instigate the human tragedy of that beleaguered nation.

Not only is the "Catholic" Ryan a traitor to his Catholic faith, but, as far as I'm concerned, a traitor to his country.  For one thing, he is for open borders allowing unvetted illegal aliens to enter our country non-stop.  In his zeal to do so, this poor excuse for a man is cementing his future job prospects with the corporations that want ultra-cheap labor, which, in the long run, bolsters their bottom line (translation: MONEY!).

In years past, he was considered "pro-life," whatever that means these days, but to help to continue the war in Yemen, which, by the way, numerous children are victims of that war on a daily basis, shows his true colors: a merchant of death!

Remember what Christ tells us in the Bible: if anyone scandalizes these little ones, it would be better for him that a millstone be put around his neck and drowned in the sea.  Well, that "scandal" includes death and mayhem that is ongoing in a country located on the Arabian peninsula in Asia, across the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden from the continent of Africa.

Even though I welcome his departure from the Congress, the next "devout Catholic" -- her words, not mine -- to take his place is more of a rabid anti-life, pro-death female by the name of Nancy Pelosi.  This mother of five, and numerous grandchildren, apparently has no qualms of conscience (if she has one) about the mass slaughter of the pre-born of others, as well as her support for the perversion that is homosexuality.

I just cannot figure out such abhorrent people, except to say that such types have given themselves over to the demon for power and position in this life, to hell with the next, and the price they will have to pay if they don't repent.

So the prospects of Ryan leaving, and Pelosi taking over the duties of Speaker, do not bode well for our country and for the most vulnerable of our species: the pre-born, but not only the pre-born of America, but also for the pre-born of other nations, as the power and influence of the Speaker of the House is enormous -- another human disaster in the making, I'm afraid...

If there was ever a time to pray for our country, now is that time!!

Gene DeLalla 

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