Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Demonrats are using the death of a seven-year-old migrant girl...

These despicable, malice-filled Demonrats are using the death of a seven-year-old migrant girl to their own sick advantage, i.e., attacking the Trump administration for attempting to enforce the laws of the country in the face of an invasion of illegal aliens.  Of course, the lamestream media is screaming from the housetops with phony outrage of how cruel and unfeeling President Trump is in the face of this tragedy.

But these blackened souls -- who call themselves Democrats -- have no sense of justice or charity, and will use this poor girl's death to further their call for open borders.  Translation: more potential votes for the Demonrats in future elections!  And that is what this is all about!

For those who are just a bit older, the Democrats used to be known as the party of the people, but no more.  They are now -- and have been for far too many years -- the party against the people!

I would venture to say, that the Democrats of Hubert Humphry's day, simply would not recognize the Demonrats of today: socialists; the party of death (of the pre-born); pushers of the homosexual perversion; welfare-state, another endless list...

And now, the Demonrats are saying that the Border Patrol is responsible for this girl's death?  Not so!  Let us put the blame where it belongs: on those migrants who make a dangerous, illegal journey all in the hope of entering -- whether legally  or illegally -- the United States, for whatever legitimate or illegitimate reason.  First and foremost, the parents of the girl hold the main responsibility for the demise of their precious child, not the Border Patrol and their medics who tried their best to save her.
And by the way, the Border Patrol SAVES uncountable migrants from threats to their well-being every single day, all year long!

And one more thing: the United States of America is the most generous, most charitable, of any nation on the face of this earth.  We continue to feed half the world; doubt me?  Look it up!   And to say that we, as a nation, would purposely allow a seven-year-old girl die because her parents broke the law is beyond pathetic, beyond sick!  But sadly, not surprising.

I urge all of good will to pray for the repose of the soul of this little girl, Jakelin, and pray too for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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