Friday, December 14, 2018

The Mueller witch-hunt continues unabated...

Never a day goes by that the "collateral damage" associated with the Mueller witch-hunt is exposed on the lamestream media for all to see.  This unabated attack on our president is shameful, disgusting and all based on a false FISA warrant.  And there is the real CRIME!  Yet these creeps, full of malice of forethought, go Scott-free?

It seems to me that Lady Justice has a peep-hole in her blindfold, allowing a two-tiered system of justice; one for the elites, and one for you and I.  Nice.

But thank heaven the real truth, not the fake news, is beginning to swing the pendulum in the opposite direction...

The implications are terrifying for the bad guys; the corrupt politicians and "prosecutors," who have made it their destiny to destroy a duly elected president, concerned, not with his own legacy -- as so many previous presidents consumed by their own vanity -- but putting America first.  All this, is spite of the traitors in his own party, not to mention the Demonrats on the other side of the isle...

Right now, the focus seems to be his possible pay-offs due to his sexual dalliances of his past, single life.  Is that morally right, of course not, but I also believe that a man or woman can change and amend their lives.  Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone... Where have I read that before?

But here is something that the good-old lamestream media fails to report: the Congress has a slush-fund, using taxpayer monies to cover-up their own sexual escapades down in D.C.  Did you know that?   Again, that's our money to the tune of over seventeen million dollars!  Let me express that in actual digits: $17,000,000, used to keep silent those females (and others?) that could easily blow the lid off the career of numerous politicians of both stripes: Demonrates and Republicrats, and send them to jail!

I truly believe that President Trump will be victorious in the remaining time of his first term, and will be with us for another four years, if that is what he wants.

Mr. Trump is not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but the prospect of some radical, anti-life Demonrat becoming president in 2020, is absolutely unacceptable, at least to me; how about you out there in cyber-land?

I will continue to pray for Mr. Trump, and for our country too...

Gene DeLalla

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