Thursday, December 20, 2018

What did Christ leave us?

His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!


Wait a minute!  He ascended into heaven, so how could He leave us His very Body, Blood -- certainly not His Soul, and Divinity!!

These are not my suppositions, or opinions, but something that happened at the Last Supper...

Remember, He told His Apostles to "do this in memory of me"..

Do what?

Eat His Body and drink His Blood?  Whoa... What's that all about??

Are we cannibals?

Isn't that why many of His disciples walked no more with Him after He told them that..."unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you will have no life in you!..."

Remember too, that when He said the above, they "murmured" because "this is a hard saying, who can hear it?"

Now think for a moment: was Christ using a metaphor, or did He really mean that in order for us to have life in us, and be saved, we actually had to eat His flesh and drink His blood??

If He was using a metaphor, then He would have called back those disciples that left -- in disgust? -- and say that He really didn't mean, literally, that mankind had to eat His flesh and drink His blood, but He didn't.  He left them to their own devices.. We don't know what their final destiny was; did some come back after all?  We don't know.  But we do know that Christ didn't call them back!

What happened next??

He turned to the Apostles and asked them if they too would leave Him...

Simon Peter answered for the twelve: Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life...

The scene that I have just described is stunning!

Here is the Christ sent to redeem us, telling us that we have to eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to have life (eternal life!) in us!!??

Remember, that He was about to undergo His Passion; but He also told His followers that He would not leave them orphans, meaning that He would send the Paraclete to teach all things (that are not recorded in the Bible)…

But there was something else...

Let's go back to the Last Supper...

After He blesses the bread and wine (consecrates those elements), He tells the Apostles to do this in memory of Me...

Do what, exactly?

Bless (consecrate) any future bread and wine and eat (receive) His body and blood, especially, after He died and ascended...

His bloody sacrifice on Calvary, was to be repeated in an un-bloody manner -- not a different sacrifice, but the same -- IN AN UN-BLOODY MANNER; day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, century after century, down to our present day, and into the future, until He returns...

Now, the question begs: where do you get His consecrated body and blood to eat and drink????

Do you get IT at the local Baptist church, or a Jewish synagogue?  What about a Mosque?

Just where do you get IT?

Believe it or not, you get IT in a Catholic Church, that's where.

My Catholic Church is open to all -- that's true ecumenism for you!  Come home and have life in you this Christmas!!

Peace on earth, to men of good will...

Pray for our country...

PS: most of my quotes are taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible, copyright: 1897...

Gene DeLalla

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